♡ Rowdy Raven

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I was rushing to get ready. Julian was going to be here in a few minutes and I hadn't finished getting ready for our date tonight.

He's taking me to the Rowdy Raven, one of his favorite places. Surprisingly no matter how much he talks about how much fun he has there, he has never taken me. I think he thought it was a bad place for a date.

Me and Julian had been dating for almost a year now, and we're running out of date ideas. I think this is our last resort. It's sad it had to come to this.

I snap out of my thoughts as I hear a knock on the door.

"Coming," I shout as I quickly run my brush through my hair a few times.

I quickly rush to open the door, finding Julian staring back at me with a grin and a glimmer in his eye.

"Why, aren't you a sight for sore eyes, Darling?" He says as he walks in.

I roll my eyes before replying, "Aren't you the flatterer."

He chuckles before sitting down on the chair near my window. "You can finish getting ready, I just wanted to come early so I didn't show up late like most of our dates."

"That's very responsible of you, I think you might be getting somewhere." I say before heading back to the bathroom to finish where I left off.

"You really think so?" He shoes from the other room.

"Yeah!" I shout back.

"Let's see if you're still saying that by the end of the night." He says, suddenly standing in my bathroom's doorway.

I stop what I'm doing and glare back at him. "What exactly do you mean by that?"

"I sometimes overdo myself with the drinks, don't be angry if I do something irrational while drunk."

I hum before finally finishing getting ready.

He takes my hand as he leads me out the door, towards our destination.


It looks better than I thought when we entered.

It sounds joyful and not as crowded, just how I like it.

Me and Julian find a booth, before a waiter comes up to us asking us what we would like to order.

"I'll have a beer." Julian replies mindlessly.

"I'll have a... water." I say, one of us has to stay sober.

We say thank you, before looking at the menu.

I wish I had asked Julian what is good here before coming, it must have slipped my mind.

It seems like they mainly sell burgers for food. Which is to be expected from a place that should just be a bar.

When the waiter comes back again to take our order, Julian is already asking for another beer.

I sigh, shaking my head at him.

"You really weren't kidding, were you?"

"Of course not, I take my free beer seriously." He says pointing at the sign hanging in the window.


I should have known.

I laugh, "It's because you don't want to have to pay."

"I'm paying tonight, Y/n. I haven't been working hard this whole week just for you to pay for the date I asked you on."


Julian has had 5 beers before he starts to act like he has no common sense.

"You're eyes are really pretty." he says getting up from the booth, which I am quick to match his movements.

"Where do you think you're going?" I say trying to push him back into the booth.

"I'm going to dance!" He says, removing himself from my grip and getting on the table.

"JULIAN WHAT ARE YOU-" I say before he starts to dance on the table.

I look around the Raven to see everyone's eyes on us. I blush from embarrassment before trying to get him off the table.

He starts to sign before I can stop him. Soon enough more people join in, and before I know it the whole place is signing along with him.

What did I get myself into?

It's not long before I'm able to get him off the table, pay for the food, and get the heck out of there before we embarrass ourselves more.

I help carry Julain to my house, there's no way I trust him walking home this drunk.


When I open my door, I lay Julian on the couch. I go look for a blanket so he doesn't freeze tonight.

I put the blanket over him before going to my room and getting into my night clothes.

I lay down in my bed, exhausted from the night I just had, falling asleep in no time.


I wake up to find Julian laying beside me with his arm around my waist.

He's running his fingers through my hair, a look on his face that I know all too well.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask, this clearly takes him out of his trance.

"You paid for the meal again, didn't you?" He said, a look of sadness written on his face.

"It wasn't a problem, you do know I'm a magician right? I'm sure there's a spell out there for money. I won't be broke anytime soon."

"I know, but I really wanted to pay this time." He pouted.

"Maybe next time don't start dancing and singing on the tables."

His face was red, most likely probably not remembering anything from the night before.

"I didn't." He said, red as a tomato.

"Oh, yes you did."

He let out a groan before pulling me closer to him.

"Why didn't you stop me?"

"I tried, you were too strong."

"Everyone who was there is going to make fun of me for the next week."

"Serves you right."


"Don't expect me to say sorry."

He sighed, "Let's go out later, to make up for the so-called date we had last night."

"Sounds like a plan."

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