Chapter 10 - Payakan

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*This Chapter is just a normal story like the rest but I hope you're enjoying my story*

{My next Book is Gonna be published soon as well 🤭}
~ The Next Day ~

When I woke up the first thing I could think of was what happened last night, when I was staring at the wall smiling. Tsireya was standing at the doorway looking at me I look at her and stand up.

"Still thinking about what happened hm?" I laugh "Maybe I am...maybe I'm not" she rolls her eyes, "Mother is about to make breakfast wanna help us?" I nod my head, we both start walking too help mother cook.

After we cook breakfast Tsireya goes too find Ao'nung & Father, once they walk in I smile at father and look at Ao'nung who was staring at me and smiling a lil bit. I roll my eyes and mouth 'did father tell you?', He looks at him and nods I sigh.

We sit down for breakfast and eat, mother starts the convo "So what's everyone's plans today?" We shrug, she sighs and looks into my eyes. "We have to have a discussion about what happened okay?" I nod and look at both Ao'nung & Tsireya.

After we eat Trsireya & Ao'nung clean up when me and mother walk out, I look at her belly and see she got bigger. I smile.

"So Mother..what's gonna happen?" She clears her throat "We really don't know yet..but since then he's been here he's a really good fighter, swimmer. But you're father and I need to make a plan for you know.." I nod and sigh.

"How long is that gonna take?" She sighs "Maybe...a few months?" I look at her "A few months mother?" She stops looking at me "yes because we had everything planned with..Tsurey but since everything has changed we have to decide a different plan." I sigh.

"Okay mother." She smiles "now go on with you're day" I nod and walk away.

I look for Neteyam and see him talking with Lo'ak & Kiri I eas drop their conversation. "So you guys actually...MATED?!" Lo'ak says, Neteyam snickers  "yeah we did-". Kiri cuts him off "How come you get too talk to a girl when I can't even talk to a boy because of father." Neteyam and Lo'ak laugh. Kiri rolls her eyes and punches both of them.

I smile and walk away to go on with my day.

~ Two Hours Later ~

When I'm finished with everything I need too do today it was a few hours before the eclipse, I sigh and pick up a few stuff off the floor humming, I don't hear anyone behind me when I feel very cold hands I jump and turn around.

I hear laughing I turn around too see Neteyam standing behind me I roll my eyes "neteyammmm" he slams me into a kiss and I kiss back and put my arms around his neck, he puts his arms around my waist.

We pull apart and I smile at him, "how was you're day?" I asked, he says "it was pretty good but it's even better now that I'm with youu" I look away from him hiding my smile, he softly grab my chin making me look at him and he softly kisses me "how was yours today?" I shrug "same old same old, but pretty good." He nods.

We walk beside the beach, I stop and so does he I look up at him smiling. We then kiss again I hear someone calling lo'aks name, we stop and look around too see Lo'ak running to his ilu jumping in, we hear Tsireya & Kiri calling for him. I look up at Neteyam and he sighs "we should go follow him." I nod and we run to both the girls.

Neteyam grabs a saddle "What happened?" I ask, "W-we followed Lo'ak and he was with a Payakan we thought it was gonna kill him but it didn't, and mother & father found out and yelled at us." "Wait he bonded with a Payakan? An outsider..?" I ask. She nods "Also how come you never told me this?". She gulps "well I tried looking for you but I couldn't find you anywhere." I sigh "Ready y/n?" I nod and hop on the ilu with him "We're gonna follow him stay here.". "But y/n-", "Well be back before something happens. Okay?" They both nod.

I adjust myself behind him and we go under water too the reef, when we go to the surface I yell for his name so does Neteyam. "Where could he be??" I asked, Neteyam sighs "Go by that small island" I point. He nods and we reach the island I get off the ilu and stand on the rocks and look around, Neteyam follows behind me.

"LO'AK!" He yells, we hear splashing on the other side of the rocks to our left we both run too the noise and we see him swimming out of the water, "Bro! Whats wrong with you?" Neteyam says, Lo'ak looks at the ground. I Walk too him and Lift his chin too my face "Lo'ak...what happened" He gulps and sighs. "Lo'ak.." he looks away.

I sigh, "I was with the Tulkan but Tsireya called him an outsider and a..killer.", "but lo'ak THATS what an outsider is." He shakes his head no "B-but he saved me!" I look at him in the eyes sad, he looks at Neteyam who was looking at him too. Lo'ak sighs "I'm sorry I just..look he saved me when you're brother and his friends left me here... I thought..I was dead." I cover my hand over my mouth and look at Neteyam he blank stares at him.

I look at Lo'ak and uncover my mouth "You Need too come back with u-", he stops me "Y/n you're parents yelled at us especially me for bonding and talking with a 'outsider'." I sigh. "Just...I don't know Lo'ak." Neteyam sighs and walks to Lo'ak hugging him. "We need too go" Lo'ak nods.

They both call for their ilus, I hop on Neteyam's and pat his back to comfort him. We all ride back to the island silent.

When we arrive I see our families standing by the shoreline waiting for us to arrive back, I smile sadly and lean my head on Neteyam's back looking at Lo'ak who was sad. I sigh.

"He's gonna be okay y/n." Neteyam says I nod, once we arrive to the shoreline we get of the ilus. Lo'ak Looks at the sand quietly, my parents walk to me hugging me I stand their still. Lo'ak's father scolds him and walks away. His ears go down and walks away, I sigh and look at Neteyam who was looking at me.

When our parents leave Neteyam and I were left alone by the beach, I sit on the sand. Neteyam sits beside me softly rubbing my back, "How could he bond with a..Payakan an outsider..a killer." He sighs "Remember when he said it saved him?" I look at him "mhm". He shrugs "To be honest if it wasn't for the Payakan or Tulkan he wouldn't be here right now." I take a deep breath "You're right" he smiles and I smile back.

We look into each others eyes and slowly kiss, it was eclipse the torches were lit the spots on our bodies were glooming, the moonlight shining.

We stop kissing and stare Into each others eyes "I love you y/n" he says, "I love you too Neteyam.".

We sit on the sand for another few minutes "Oh Neteyam..tomorrow you get too meet my spirit sister!" He looks at me confused "She's a Tulkan, I call her my sister" he nods "Tomorrow you said?" I nod. "I can introduce you too her and talk to you about her", "Good stuff I hope" he said, I laugh and cuddle into his chest.

"I wonder what would of happened if we never had met." I say, He sighs "Me too. I wonder what would of happen if we never left home.".

"We should be going back into our pods" he nods "I'm pretty tired" he said. He stands up from the sand and takes his arm out for me too grab, I grab his hand and he pulls me up. We look into each others eyes once more.

I smile at him and we walk to our pods, when by the door, I turn towards him "I'll see you tomorrow Neteyam" he smiled and kisses me, I put my arms around his neck. "Get a room you two." We stop and look, it was Ao'nung we giggle. "Well you could of at least walked away and left us alone." I say, "well you guys are BLOCKING the door." Neteyam and I look at each other and slowly move away from the door, "THANK you love birds." and he goes inside.

Both of us laugh and I look up at him "Alright I'll see you" he says, I nod. We go our separate ways when I walk Inside everyone was laying in bed I sigh and also lay down too bed "What a day" i say slowly falling asleep.

*Im so sorry for not updating last week- I was getting caught up with school and stuff, next chapter will also take me awhile to update but hope you enjoy this chapter 🤍*

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