Chapter 14

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Okay. Taehyun had lied.

He didn't actually have to visit Hades, and he really didn't like how attached he was getting to the boy he was supposed to murder eventually.

He dropped Beomgyu off at the dock. "Are you sure I can't just visit your dad with you?"

Fuck no.

"No, no. He's...He's what you'd expect him to be. Which means he's no fun to be around anyway. I'll see you around,"Taehyun added at the end, which made the boy smile and head off.

Fuck. His smile kept doing something to Taehyun. Something that he was pretty sure wasn't in The Fates, so it needed to stop.

He might as well visit his dad. It was never a fun experience, but if he could get more details about what was supposed to happen between him and Beomgyu it might be worth it.

After tying the boat to the rocks, he glanced up at his "home". It had never felt like one.

He tightened his jacket, because despite the stereotype, the Underworld was freezing.

It was his favorite, black denim with flames coming out of it. He loved the irony, seeing as everything in the Underworld was either blue or gray. Most people assumed it was just a different version of hell. Part of him wished it were true, then maybe it would've been be less fucking cold.

The thing about where Taehyun grew up: it didn't have walls. His dad's throne sat in the center, and it was the size of a house despite the old man being regular sized. Taehyun learned to play among the black rocks and near the river of souls...

Because that's a happy childhood.

He sighed, approaching the giant black chair, and forced "Hey dad."

The man looked up from whatever strange woman he was caressing, and noticed his son for the first time since he had arrived.

"Taehyun," he greeted, and the mentioned could tell he was trying not to sound disappointed.

"What happened? Or, what are you doing here?"

He tried not to let it sting that his father only expected him when there was news of some kind, specifically his fate. It was what helped him speak again, knowing the man would be pleased with his request.

"I...." he sighed. "I need to know more about my legacy. Specifically, with Beo-...With Apollo's son"

He willed himself not to say the boy's name and reveal that he'd already met him, as his dad would've probably just wanted him to get the battle over with.

Hades' face broke out into a grin. He shooed the women off, Really nice, dad, and sat up.

"Ah. So you want to hear about the fate again."

Taehyun swallowed and tried not to roll his eyes. "Yes. With more details, if you have them."

Hades smirked and waved his hand in the air. In it, appeared two tiny slips of paper. The first floated down to Taehyun right away, and he opened it. It contained the words he'd heard before. Actually, never stopped hearing as a kid. But somehow they stung so much more in their new context.

In a day like all others,

Two souls will battle.

Among sisters and brothers,

their own lives they'll rattle.

Each boy descended,

from Apollo and the dead king,

one life must be ended,

and the bells of Olympus will ring.

Hades watched him read it, smiling. Then, sent the other paper down.

When all is done and one is dead,

the victor will truly be blessed.

Through the worlds their power will spread,

But the true hero is the god that is best.

Taehyun frowned. That was new. Whoever won would have power over all the worlds? But then, the hero would be whichever of them was better? This cleared up nothing, and in fact only made Taehyun more convinced that he was doomed.

If whoever was best would win, then it was Beomgyu without a doubt. He wasn't stupid, he'd seen the boy shoot an arrow.

His dad spoke to him, and Taehyun had almost forgotten where he was.

"Tell me, my boy." It was the only time he's ever called Taehyun that. "Have you met this son of Apollo yet?"

Taehyun considered telling the truth, but then remembered who he was talking to. There was no universe in which Hades would've understood his hesitation in killing Beomgyu.

It might be hard to explain: He gives me the warmth and acceptance I never got from you.

Yeah. Somehow, he didn't think that would've gone over well.

So instead, he said: "No. Not yet."

Hades frowned. "Hm. Well, this last slip states how long it is until the fight-"

"NO!" Taehyun found himself yelling, much to Hades' confusion.

He couldn't handle hearing if it was soon right now.  "I, uh...I'd rather not know."

Hades frowned again. "Well. Alright. I suppose it's technically up to you."

Taehyun found himself sinking into a pathetic little boy again. In order to make his dad a little more pleased, he compromised.

"Well...I guess I'd want to know if it's a long way away or not. No specifics! Just...whether or not it's soon. If it's far away I'd have more time to prepare."

It worked. Hades smiled again and Taehyun kicked himself for giving in so easily. He was glad he altered the terms, though.

He definitely didn't want to know specifics, but maybe if he heard that their fate was  far in the future he could spend time with Beomgyu now. Maybe by the time it arrived they would've had a falling out anyway.

He couldn't imagine Beomgyu wanting to hang out with him much longer, and even though the thought stung it was comforting for the terms of the legacy.

He waited for his dad's answer. When it came, he tightened his jaw and nodded. He shoved those stupid slips in his jacket pocket and speed-walked to the boat to avoid crying in front of Hades.

"You better start preparing, son.", he had said with a menacing grin. "This shit is soon."

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