Chapter 21

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Beomgyu didn't know if it was really Yeonjun and Kai who picked out every aspect of Valentine's Day, but if that was the case, then they'd fucking crushed it so far.

It was only breakfast, and he'd already gasped, like, six times that day. The entire campus had a pink fog around it, Yeonjun's work no doubt, and decorations were swallowing the campus dining hall. Not to mention the food.

"Insane," Hyunjin stated as he stuffed another cherry tart in his mouth. "Jeongin, I fucking hate you for ruining every food for me forever."

The boy just laughed, blushing at the compliment. Beomgyu couldn't help but agree, the culinary aspect was one thing he knew was Jeongin's incredible work. The sweets and baked goods the boy contributed made everyone drunk on sugar, and it gave him the top spot for every year's 'Valentine's Day musts' created by Yeonjun and Kai.

Beomgyu wished he could compliment the two on their work, but he didn't actually know where Kai was, and Yeonjun had gone off to set up at Chan's house. The boy had explained his need to stay away from all crowded spaces today. The overly emotional crowds always made him feel ill and exhausted, and he wanted to save his energy for the party tonight.

While Beomgyu understood this, he also wished Yeonjun were here. The tension at the table was cuttable with a knife, seeing as the events of the night prior caused awkwardness all around.

It was because of this that it was only Hyunjin, Jeongin, Seungmin, Jisung, Felix, and Beomgyu at the table.

"That's so true," Jisung agreed.  "I can't eat anything now, knowing that you could just make it better."

"Oh my Titan, guys. Thank you but please stop, it's embarrassing." Jeongin sighed and folds his arms. Oddly, Beomgyu sort of knew how he felt. There comes a point where too many compliments feel ingenuine, he'd experienced the very feeling in almost all of his classes.

"Okay, okay. We'll leave you alone." Seungmin ruffled the younger's hair, causing the other to smile shyly.

Beomgyu smiled at the two, and couldn't help but wonder if he was missing something going on between them.


Kai shouted and dropped a full stack of letters in front of Seungmin. He started to deliver the other letters to the table, as Beomgyu gaped at the stack.
"Wow, Seungmin. Lots of secret admirers?"

The other laughed. "Definitely not." Beomgyu found it hard not to notice the way he subtly squeezed Jeongin's leg in reassurance.

"My dad, Hephaestus, is the god of metalworking and crafts. You know, along with fire. I've taken up the practice. I guarantee these are students asking for help fixing something, or thanking me for fixing their shit."

Beomgyu laughed. "Hey. Anything to open is nice."
He didn't mean for it to sound ungrateful, but the weeks of empty hands had gotten to him. Especially surrounded by his friends getting so many. Even Taehyun had been collecting these days, mostly from his dads' "acquaintances", as he'd explained to Beomgyu.

Jisung frowned as he caught a letter from Kai. "Don't be discouraged, Beomgyu," and Hyunjin nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, come on. One day you'll get a letter." Felix added.
Beomgyu smiled appreciatively at the group, but shook his head. "Thanks guys, really. But I'm already at peace with the fact that I will never receive mail."
It was then that he heard a cough, and glanced up at a smirking Kai.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that."

He dropped a letter on the table in front of Beomgyu, who tried to hide his shock. Who on earth would write to him? His adoptive parents? He picked up the letter and read the front.

Choi Beomgyu
Table closest to the window? Seat like 10 or something, I don't know.
Kai's making me write an address.

There was no return address, so Beomgyu opened the envelope and found a single piece of paper, along with a skull-shaped lollipop.


Why should parents be the only ones to write letters? Fuck that. And fuck the parents that don't. I don't know. Didn't seem fair that you've been the only one to not open up letters at breakfast. Hope this helps, even if it's dumb.

Beomgyu's shook his head as his eyes welled up, as if the other could see his disagreement.

Anyway, do you want to get ready together at my place for tonight? I'll bet I can make you look like a super fucked up Hades. Also I have no idea what to do for Apollo. Text me if you want to come over. See you tonight for our "fated" party. I'm going to kill Kai.


By the time he'd finished, he was laughing and trying not to swoon over the boy's nickname of "Tae."

He looked up to see everyone at the table smiling at him. He swallowed uncomfortably."Wow. You guys must have the gift of prophecy or something. Crazy. See you tonight!"

He rushed away from the table, ignoring Kai's kissy noises after him, as well as the way he was clutching the note over his heart.


"the gift of prophecy" motherfucker you are apollo's son i am begging you to read one library book on yourself.
- the table, probably.
- the reader, probably.
- the author, definitely.

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