Chapter 25

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          (noun): 1. the imparting or exchanging of information or news. 2. means of sending or         receiving information, such as phone lines or computers.

Also known as...talking to people. It seemed so easy: if there was something to tell someone, then come out and say it.

So, why then, was no one that Kai knew capable of this small task?

The change within the group was incredibly noticeable. Minho and Jisung were back to not talking, only it seemed to Kai that this time it was Han who wanted it that way. Changbin and Felix were awkward, he assumed due to the former's obliviousness. Even the usual ease that Yeonjun and Soobin would've added was as absent as the pair.

And Beomgyu and Taehyun...well, that was different.

Kai knew he was best friends with an introvert. It was a part of life. But he could tell from the way Taehyun had been acting that something was wrong.

He and Beomgyu were getting along fine; better, even. But the battle had to be close. He didn't know when the two were supposed to go through with it, but the emptiness that Tae's eyes held whenever Beomgyu would laugh or smile, told Kai that their fate couldn't be far away.

He was definitely no therapist. But seeing as he was the communication prince, and any real therapist would cost way too much, he was the best this group was going to get, whether they wanted him or not.

He stared at the people sitting across from him. By some miracle, all six idiots had agreed to meet him in, shocker, the empty dining hall.

"You might be wondering why I've called you here..."

"Oh, God, not this again," Beomgyu muttered under his breath. "Are we supposed to hand out more flyers?"

Kai took a deep breath and tried to remind himself that Beomgyu meant well. "No. No flyers today. Actually, it's more important than that."

When the group looked at him curiously, he decided to blurt it out. "You're all here because, in some way or another, you suck at talking. To each other, mostly. That's why I'm offering my free services. you're welcome, to talk things out with an expert at the practice."

Kai folded his arms and awaited the joke he knew was coming. Instead, however, only silence. He looked around, expecting someone to blurt out a loud mouth joke, but nothing came. It was as if they all knew he was telling the truth, and simply stared at the table in front of them.

"Um...okay. So anyway, I'd like to start with Changbin and Felix. The rest of you, go busy yourselves over there. I don't care what you do."

"That's a first. You usually have plenty to say about my life choices." There it is. But the smack he gave Taehyun's shoulder was more grateful, at the ease of tension, than anything.

After the rest got up and sauntered off into their respective corners, Kai glanced at Changbin and Felix. He almost felt bad, the way both looked terrified at what was happening. But they needed to do this. For their own sake, and admittedly for everyone else's sanity.

He turned to Changbin. "Changbin, how do you feel about the boy on your right?"

He watched as Changbin blushed comically red, but did not let up. He knew he would spit it out eventually.

"Uh...Felix? He's...he's great. Yeah."

Kai rolled his eyes. Fine. That was the best they were gonna give him right now. He turned to Felix, who was also blushing despite not having said anything. Kai raised an eyebrow.

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