Chapter 24

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The Valentine's day Party had left everyone... confused to say the least.

To most, Beomgyu's sudden danger came as a surprise. In fact, all but the two fated sons and their soul-mated friends, met the next morning for breakfast in order to figure out what the fuck had just happened.

"I just don't understand," Jisung frowned. "If Beomgyu was struggling that bad, why didn't he say anything?"

"Sometimes people avoid telling the truth to those they love. In case it...I don't know. Doesn't turn out well."

Felix's voice had sunken at the end, along with Hyunjin's heart. No one noticed Minho's uncomfortable shift next to them.

"It's good to tell those people though. Especially friends," Hyunjin responded pointedly. "They might be able to help. And might not talk as much about the thing if they know it's hurting someone else at the table."

The two exchanged equally guilty glances, and the rest looked at each other, slowly piecing together that they were definitely talking about something completely different.

Changbin eyed the two silently. Having been there for lunch lately to follow Minho and Chan's affection for the group (or in Minho's case, really just one member), he learned not to speak on such an obvious underlying issue. Though for this one, it was hard to keep his fists from clenching under the table.

Kai rolled his eyes at the entirety of the scene. He missed his pink haired friend, who was the only other person that understood how stupid people in love can be. Now Yeonjun had started joining his soulmate to eat, becoming one of them.

"You know, I'm sure Beomgyu realizes how sudden it seemed." He was trying really hard not to spill his friend's fate."They'll probably explain when they get here." Please, Titan.

As he said it, two boys walked up. Kai shot his head up excitedly, only to find Soobin and Yeonjun approaching the table.

"Uh, hey. What are you guys doing here?"

Yeonjun smiled at the boy rolling his eyes next to him. "I convinced Soobin to try having lunch with us. Just for a little. I really didn't want to miss this."

"Yes, but we agreed that the first person asking me for help is my cue to leave," Soobin reminded him.

Yeonjun nodded enthusiastically. "Of course, my love."

Both boys, one turning scarlet, sat down.

"Anyways," Kai tried to roll his eyes, but couldn't really be mad. "I'm so glad you're here. This shit is a mess."

Yeonjun nodded. "I know. What the fuck happened? Did anyone find out?"

"That's what we're discussing. We all agree that it's weird for Beomgyu to have randomly freaked out like that," Jeongin said.

Kai slowly dragged his hands down his face as more and more voices added to the conversation, everyone suddenly an expert on the subject.

"Not only weird, impossible. There's gotta be an explanation."

"Chan's right,' Seungmin added. "No way Beomgyu wouldn't say anything."

"Okay, but if there was something explaining it, wouldn't he have talked about that?"

"He would've."

Kai was going to lose his mind.

Even Soobin contributed. "Yeah. I'm sorry but there's no way he wouldn't have told me if something was happening behind the scenes, one way or the other."

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