Chapter 27

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okay i'm literally just calling this the chanlix/changbin chapter because it's everything related to their story !! 

it's kind of blah but i <3 them so i wanted to give them their moment. 


Valentine's Day Party, during the search for Beomgyu

"What do you think of Felix?"

At first, the question caught him off guard. But he soon realized the reason Hyunjin was asking, and attempted to help the decision. "I think he's..." He looked at Hyunjin, smiling sheepishly. "I think he's great. I think you should go for it."

Hyunjin's eyes became saucers in an instant. " What ?! No! Titan, no. I mean, I love him to death, but that's out of the question."

He frowned, feeling a small sting of empathy in his heart for their absent friend. "That seems pretty harsh."

Hyunjin shook his head rapidly in response. "It's not, trust me. It's how we've both always felt."

Changbin stared at the ground. It came out in a whisper, he didn't even mean to say it to the other. "I think Felix would disagree..."

Hyunjin said nothing for a moment, and continued to stare in confusion. Something suddenly registered on his face, and his mouth opened permanently. " think...oh my fucking titan."

Changbin stopped walking, and the other followed the action. Hyunjin put a hand on his shoulder, the gesture much friendlier than his horrified eyes were. "I can't even begin to express this enough: Felix is not in love with me. Never has been, never will be."

Another frown. "Are you sure? Bec-"

"I am absolutely positive. Zero doubt," Hyunjin said. Changbin stared at the ground once more, so distracted by the dirt scuffing his shoe that he almost missed the next words. "Has...thinking that stopped you from pursuing anything? With Felix, I mean."

He glanced up at Hyunjin. "Not really," he shrugs. "I guess it just seemed obvious. Well...not anymore, I guess."

Wonderful. Changbin would never be free from screwing things up, would he?

He really hadn't ever thought about anything. In terms of... 'romantic' endeavors, he'd really only gone for one kind.

Felix always seemed too untouchable...too beautiful for anyone to really reach. Like if anyone tried, they were doomed to the well-known fate of Icarus.

Approaching anything so reflective of the brightest star in the universe, was surely lethal.

He'd noticed him, though. Of course he had. It was hard not to notice the way his body radiated golden rings, the plentiful smiles that could probably supply heating in Antarctica for years.

Yeah...Changbin would be an idiot not to pick up on the boy's enchanting laugh, his sparkling eyes, the perfect symmetry of his freckles...


It dawned on him suddenly. Thinking about it more, made him realize... Other people didn't think about that stuff, did they? At least not in such detail.

"Changbin!" Hyunjin shouted, in a way that implied he'd been trying to get the former's attention for a while.

Oops . "Shit, sorry. What did you say?" Hyunjin looked at him, searching for something. He was no Yeonjun, however, so he shrugged and repeated the words. "I was just asking if you would ever think about hooking up with him. Because if the answer is yes, I'll strangle the shit out of you."

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