Chapter 23

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A.N// another hella long chapter but it's just this one part please forgive me i have an illness 🙏

ALSO CONTENT WARNING ! suicide mention/scare (not actual, but assumed)

"Let me leave for Titan's sake. You're just keeping me captive at this point."

He was pushing Kai off of him and onto the living room floor, the other being exceedingly annoying about their 'Minsung' plan becoming successful.

"I'm truly fucking happy for you. Now let me escape from your dirty-ass clutches."

Kai pretended to cry. "You said you love my clutches!"

"Literally name one singular time I've ever said that," he deadpanned.

The other sighed. "Fine. I'll leave you to find Beomgyu."

Taehyun thanked whatever god was in charge of his peace, and got up.

"I get it. You'd rather his clutches be allllll over you."

"Oh my Titan Kai. You are insufferable."

"The word you're looking for is crazy, sexy, and cool."

"......That's three words dumbass."

"Whatever! Go find Beomgyu!" Yelling, Kai ran off to Titan-knows-where before Taehyun could even shake his head.

When he went back up to the original porch he'd left, Beomgyu was gone. He headed downstairs and spotted Yeonjun getting a drink with someone he didn't know. Taehyun tapped him.

"Have you seen Beomgyu?"

"Titan, why does everyone want something from me tonight?"

The boy to his right hit him lightly on the shoulder. "Hey! You wanted something from me." Taehyun watched as Yeonjun smiled, googly-eyed, and nodded. "And I got it, so there."

Rolling his eyes, Taehyun asked again. "Do you know where Beomgyu is?"

Yeonjun shook his head, and the other boy spoke.

"Last time we saw him he was right..." He pointed outside and noticed the spot that Beomgyu was gone from. "Oh. We've been all over, sorry. We haven't seen him."

The new boy seemed sweet, so Taehyun forced himself to smile and thank them both. He headed upstairs and tried the bathroom on the right.

When he saw Hyunjin and Felix wrapped in what felt like a very intimate and emotional hug, he closed it again.

There was probably someone else he could ask. He was not getting in the middle of that.

About to try another bathroom, he remembered Kai seeing that Minho and Jisung had headed left into the left one. He knocked and opened the door, bracing himself for visions he knew he'd never get rid of.

"Jisung I swear to Titan if one more fucking person knocks on that door-" Minho was silenced by Han's hand. "Uh, hey Taehyun! What's up?"

Taehyun could tell he was embarrassed about getting caught, as if everyone from here to the Underworld couldn't tell what they were doing before.

"Yes, what is so necessary that we need to be interrupted multiple times by the same group of people?" 

Minho was clearly tired, and at his limit; but not as much as Taehyun, who had been growing increasingly worried.

"Look. You think I would come in here and risk traumatizing myself if it wasn't important? I just need to know where Beomgyu is. Then you two can go off and be whatever the hell you decide to be this week."

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