Chapter 33

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Choi Soobin was pacing in the cabin, restless.

There wasn't any way someone could deal with what was happening, what he knew the two were going through right now. He insisted on being alone, as he was outpouring too much emotion for Yeonjun to be with him and for them to suffer together.

His thoughts were broken by the slam of the front cabin door knocking against the wall. A strike of lightning flashed behind the figure, all too appropriate for the occasion. He held his breath and watched the figure step barely into the room. He was met with a horrifying image.

Kang Taehyun. Standing there, alive.

The two of them were surrounded by silence other than the howl of the wind. Soobin almost sighed in relief at the sight of the boy, before it hit him. What seeing Taehyun standing there truly meant.

The other turned to leave, saying nothing except a broken and whispered, "I thought you should know." He closed the door behind his exit, and Soobin allowed himself to spill onto his knees, breaking.

He collapsed in on himself. He didn't call Yeonjun, because he knew the emotions spiraling in his body would've killed the boy, who would probably go through the same thing within minutes.

He didn't do anything, except try to heal the merciless ache in his entire body and soul. He tried over and over.

He found that, no matter how many bodies and hearts he'd relieved of pain, he couldn't soothe his own.

(A.N://switched pov breath if you're not surprised)

They tell you that your thoughts are never truly silent. They say the voice in your head is always saying something, even if you don't notice.

That was not the case for Taehyun.

He heard nothing but a hollow scream of the wind, mirroring his own temptation of shouting. Instead, he untied a boat from the dock. He was robotic, never allowing himself to experience anything other than those last moments. He didn't let himself think of the time he took him out on the water.

He simply moved the paddle along, the way he knew would lead him home. It was the only time he'd referred to the Underworld as such, and it had only to do with the body he knew was joining the endless stream of souls. Taehyun had to see him. Even if the image killed him.

Hell, he hoped it would.

Docking, having still not uttered a thought, he walked toward the doom where he used to live. He bumped into him on his way in.


Hades was standing there, grinning at him. "I knew you could do it. How do you want to celebrate?"

Like true hell fire, his walls sieged into one final exchange with the sperm sack that gave him this horrid life. "I would like to celebrate by never seeing your fucking face again. I want to see the man I love, and if you're wise enough to get out of my way, I'll reconsider throwing you in that goddamn river myself."

His voice was dripping with something cold and awful. It still didn't feel like enough.

Hades stared at him. "Wow. Harsh. I'd think you'd be a little more grateful since I'm the reason you just got the most power you'll ever have in your life."

Taehyun watched the man pick something from his teeth, and rested his hand on the shape of the dagger in his jacket pocket. "Move. I'm not asking again." Hades laughed, and crossed his arms, amused.

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