(Short) Chapter 12 Group Chat

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Marie's phone rang while she and Toby were outside sitting on a bench. She looked at her phone and gasped at who it was.

-Agent group chat-

Agent 5:
[Marie, This is Agent F3, my phone died about a week ago, everyone is going to rest at Pearl's house for a few days. We'll head back to you guys tomorrow and rest for a week.]

Agent  2:
[Rebecca?? Oh, I'm so relieved it's you guys. But where have you guys been?? Three and a half whole weeks?!?! Do any of you know what happened as of recently?!]

Agent 5:
[Yes...Sheldon told us everything. I'm so sorry Marie, I wish we hadn't taken this mission, The captain was furious and depressed at the same time. But I think Steve is having it harder. I haven't heard my brother made a pun while heading back towards Pearl's place.]

Marie was silent. She knew that he loved making puns because Callie loves hearing his jokes, terrible or not, but now he doesn't do them anymore because Callie was abducted. She a felt terrible twinge of guilt strangling her heart..

Agent 2:
[Becky, I'm so sorry...I wasn't fast enough to save Callie when she reported an octarian ambush. Samantha just took us by surprise and captured Callie along with the zapfish...I was so mean to Callie and I barely apologized to her before all this had happened! I feel so guilty...I don't know what to tell Steve!!]

Marie was tearing up as she wrote in the group chat. The thought about her missing pink and black cousin really puts the salt in her emotional wounds. Toby noticed Marie crying. He doesn't know how to comfort her, so he placed his hand on her shoulder. She felt his hand gently placed on her, she was comforted and smiled slightly at him saying 'Thank you'.

Agent 6:
[Becky...Samantha and I used to be friends before you guys came and beat DJ Octavio. She's a mean-spirited, fiercely loyal and deadly captain of the elite octolings. It doesn't take a genius to know that she's the one who plotted the idea to bring DJ Octavio back for the sake of glory and revenge. More than likely, Samantha only abducted Callie just to be spiteful at you guys.]

Agent 5:
[That...sounds reasonable,. Oh, That reminds me, Sheldon also told me about this Agent Four; I heard he's tall and retrieved 10 zapfish in less than a week. He even beat Samantha! It's almost hard to believe someone is capable of doing that against a super Octo-Soldier! When did you recruit this guy?]

Marie was jogging her memories and she wrote down everything she learned so far about him since the first day.

Agent 2:
[Agent 4...He's beyond words. He was in the middle of the square when I first saw him, he did extensive damage to the first two sectors and saved 10 zapfish in less than a week. He's already my hero! I don't know anything else much about him other than the fact that he pauses almost every time he finds or hears something that makes him stop. I don't know why, but sometimes I worry for him. I just hope that whatever happened to him, he recovers from it. He's Inkredible!]

Marie felt better after talking about Toby. Still she worries for Callie's safety and the well being of others.

Agent 5:
[So what you're telling me is that you have a crush on this guy, or am I wrong your secrecy?😏]

Marie blushed a red face after reading that message and shifted her eyebrows up upon reading her reply.

Agent 6:
[Oh my gosh! Marie you have a crush on Agent 4!? Spill it girl! Let's hear more about him!]

Agent 5:

Agent 2:

Agent 5:
[Uh-huh. 🤣 Sure thing, Ms flustered. I'm pretty sure there's definitely going to be girl talk when we get Callie back.]

Agent 6:
[Yes! We can talk all about it once we rescue Callie! Can you imagine how excited she'll be for you when she finds out about your crush on Agent 4?]

Marie knows they're right, she knows her cousin and how Callie is on these topics; Callie is gonna have a lot of mileage out of this one. She mentally prepared and collected herself as she texted back to the playful group.

Agent 2:
[Fine! But I will remember this conversation!]

Agent 5:
[Whatever you say night-owl. We should be back for a few days. We also brought some new recruits on our way back to Inkopolis. Octolings who defected from the Octarian cause.]

Marie was utterly triggered and outraged reading that message.

Agent 2:
[I'm sorry...OCTOLINGS?!]

Agent 5:
[Marie, I know you're angry and shocked all together, I didn't trust them either, at first. But now I feel sorry for them because of DJ Octavio and Samantha's cruelty.]

Agent 2:
[What do you mean by that?? They were the ones who stole Callie and the zapfish from us! What is there to trust about them??]

Agent 6:
[Their Names are Rachael (Agent 7) and Waldo (Agent 8) formerly known as Oscar and Lexie. Apparently, they had amnesia when we first found them lying on the floor unconscious. But when their memories resurfaced, they told us how they lost their grandparents to Samantha and Octavio's cruel and callous execution. DJ Octavio wanted to use them as an example to those who dare pose as a drag or a distraction to the octarian force. They secretly defected from the octarians and now they want revenge.]

Marie read that message, she felt awful and pitied for the octoling defectors.

Agent 2:
[That is so sad...Ok, I understand where they're coming from, but I didn't think those Octo-jerks would sink this low.]

Agent 5:
[Rachael and Waldo understood what our goal is, which is rescuing Callie and the Zapfish; but I think they may secretly want to hunt down Samantha and DJ Octavio in the process. The Cap'n wants to make sure that this rescue mission doesn't turn into an uncontrollable vendetta. That being said, we have to make sure that they don't do anything drastic while they have their residence here as agents and civilians of Inkopolis.]

Agent 2:
[Okay, I understand now, but I have to tell Agent 4 about this. I don't see him holding himself back from attacking them in sight.]

Agent 6:
[Oh, one more thing about our new recruits. Rachael is a 5 ft shy and speedy octoling, and Waldo is a cute 7 ft brawny tank of an octoling compared to the others. They are super Octo-soldiers and they might just help us win this battle before DJ Octavio can launch a full scale assault on Inkopolis.]

Agent 2:
[Oh-Ho?! A cUtIe BrAwNy OcToLiNg?! You have a crush on this Waldo guy already?!]

Marie saltily pointed at Marina

Agent 6 left the group chat

Marie: "Pfft! She left the chat as soon as she expressed who she's crushing on? What a simp!" She made her classical smirk.

Toby: "Simp?" He watched the group chat and he looked confused at Marie while his hair turned a citrus orange.

Marie: "Oh Toby, there's a lot to teach you once I get you a phone." She grinned at him.

Agent 5:
[Okay...We just learned something new today. We'll be there tomorrow Marie, we just need a  week long break and we'll all be ready to rescue Callie and the zapfish. I can't wait to meet this Toby guy! Agent F3 out.]

Agent 5 left the group chat

Agent 2 left the group chat

Marie: "Oh, you don't know the half of Toby yet."

Toby: "What this crush you speak of?"

Marie: *Blushes* She looked at her agent nervously and stammered a bit. "I-It's nothing; really. Come on, let's go back inside with gramps."

Toby: "Okay..." They both got off the bench and went inside the outpost.

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