(Short) Chapter 9 DJ Octavio's New Plan

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-Sector 5, 8:30 PM-

DJ Octavio: "You mean to tell me that you failed to stop that intruder?!" DJ Octavio yelled at Samantha.

Samantha: "Commander, he wasn't just fast, he was inkredibly strong too! He dodged every bomb I threw and he swatted me across the arena as if I was a small rock in his hands!" She was in a state of shock. "He's picking off our zapfish one by one in less than a day, he's faster and stronger than all of Craig's Agents put together!"

DJ Octavio was furious, he paced back and forth in the medic bay, thinking of a plan how to counterattack Toby.

DJ Octavio: "Clearly he's not from around Inkopolis, he must be some kind of a soldier...An exceptional one if you will. How can we counterattack this blasted agent of Craig's?" He paced back and forth fast. Until he had an idea.

DJ Octavio: "Samantha, while you are patching up and ready for combat. I'll have Brock fight off Craig's latest recruit. The Octostrikers should at least slow him down while he takes care of him." Samantha looked at DJ Octavio with a shocked face.

Samantha: "WHAT?! OW!" She flinched and yelped in pain, her body was still tender from the encounter. "My liege, Brock is an arrogant and self-centered Octo-Samurai who hardly takes any orders seriously! He thinks he's a one man army! He's a walking incompetence!" She complained to her master. DJ Octavio however, isn't moved, he had his hopes high for him.

DJ Octavio: "Yes, but Brock's strength and height combined with his durability, may be the key to fight this new agent. Besides, do you want to face Craig's new agent by yourself again?" He looked directly at Samantha in the eye.

Samantha: "...No..." She shivered at the idea.

DJ Octavio: "Well then, until you're ready for combat again, you're going to heal and await my command." He turned to an octo-soldier guarding the entrance of the room. "You there, have you receive any word about Oscar, Lexie and Danny yet?"

Female Octosoldier: "No sir, we haven't heard anything from them yet." The female octosildier saluted.

DJ Octavio: *Sighs exasperatedly* "At this point we may run out of the octostrikers. And there are a few of them left!" He facepalmed with his tentacle. Just what is taking them so long?! "We're going to postpone our invasion of Inkopolis until we get Craig and all of his agents out of the way first. I'm going to bed while you stay and rest Samantha. We'll discuss about this tomorrow. He went off to his quarters while Samantha just laid there on her bed and grumbled for the night.

DJ Octavio went to his quarters and closed his door and sat at his bed, he quietly pondered to himself.

DJ Octavio: "Speed...Inkredible strength... could it be? No, it can't be." He shook his head "He's just some random inkling who came to help Agent 2, there's no way he could potentially be that kind of a cephalopod. I won't risk my contingency plan until I'm sure...And if he really is who I think it is...than let there be blood!" He lied in bed, turned the lights off and rested for tomorrow.

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