Chapter 13 DJ Octavio's Back up Plan

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-Later that day at sector 5, 5:00 PM-

Samantha was in the mess hall eating her meal. While she was eating, she noticed the slice of vanilla cake with frosting on a tray, it also had a red cherry on top of the frosting.

Samantha: "..."


Toby: "Well congratulations woman...Not only did you lose your army to 'some agent', but it took your brain this long enough to sum that up?!"

Toby: "You're the one behind Callie's abduction..."

*Flashback ends*

Samantha: "Grrrr..." (How can someone be that strong and quick?! It doesn't make sense! No inkling can be that powerful!) She shook her head and gritted her beak. She's terrified and angry at the same time. She bit into her catfish sandwich pondering a way how to even confront Agent 4.

Then there came an octo-soldier; running in the mess hall towards Samantha.

Male Octo-Soldier: "Commander Samantha! DJ Octavio wants you in his quarters."

Samantha: (What?! Now?!) "Ugh! Why can't I just eat at peace!? When does he want me??"

Male Octo-Soldier: "At this moment, Ma'am!"

Samantha: *Groans* "Great..." (Just when I want to eat my sandwich alone) She got up and ate her sandwich while heading towards DJ Octavio's quarters.

-DJ Octavio's Quarters-


Samantha opened the door and went in. DJ Octavio looked up and saw her coming in; he was pleased to see her.

DJ Octavio: "Ah, Samantha! Perfect timing, dawg!"

Samantha: "What happened now-?" Samantha paused as soon as she saw Brock, the massive and burly Octo-Samurai DJ Octavio was talking about. He had a long ponytail-like tentacle on the back of his head and he sports a leather jacket that said 'Eat my ink squids' on the back. "" She cringed.

Author's note: "This octo-samurai ACTUALLY HAS LEGS! Rather than pencil thin legs, kinda makes him look like a tank."

Brock: *Chuckles* "Well hello there Sammy!" The 10 footer guffawed. "It's been a while!" He placed his hands on his hips.

Samantha: "'s been too long..." She sneered at the giant octo-samurai with narrowing eyes. "Clearly, you weren't kidding about sending him to Sector 3." She glared at the warlord.

DJ Octavio: "Of course not, dawg! The thing is, I'm confident that you and Brock Tako will smash and splat the mystery agent that wretched cuttlefish sent. Granted, we will resort to our last Octostriker units if this agent does persist." Samantha was repelled at the idea of working with Brock.

Samantha: "Sir...I don't mean to burst your bubble. But you want me to work with fight against that Inkling?! Did you forget what happened to me?!!" She rambled. "He's quick and strong! Perhaps stronger then Brock here as we speak!" While she ridiculed the Octo-Samurai, he scoffed at the black haired octoling.

Brock: "I beg your pardon?!" He glared at Samantha. "You don't see anyone lift up the Octo-oven with one hand and the Neo Octo-Stomp with the other hand now do you??"

Samantha: "Well if your ego wasn't as massive as your body and strength, then maybe we would've crushed Steve and Becca along with Craig's agents back than when they were at the Octo-Valley! What do you have to say to that, you obessed brute?!" She pointed her finger at the giant octoling.

Both were bickering like an old couple they are. Until DJ Octavio decided to break them apart.

DJ Octavio: "Ahem!" Both looked at their superior. "If you two newly weds are done bickering; can we get back to the important topic here?"

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