Chapter one: what happen and why

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A black- and white-haired female sighed and walked around in a blue kimono, and she bumped into a black-haired female "i'm sorry nezuko-san" spoke the girl and the black-haired girl chuckled "it's alright aurora" spoke nezuko. Aurora stood up and walked up and looked at kie and smiled "let me help you miss kamodo" spoke aurora taking the bucket of water and poured it into the bath and kie smiled "thank you" spoke kie and the door open and aurora looked over. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Aurora smiled and ran at who came in and hugged a white haired female and the female hugged her back "tengen your back from training" spoke kie and tengen looked at her and smiled "yeah and I helped your daughter chopping wood as well oh and thank you miss kamado for letting us live here with you you really didn't have to" spoke tengen and kie smiled "its no problem uzui anything is better for you too" spoke kie. 

Aurora let uzui go and smiled and tanjiro ran in and pouted and uzui looked at her "why you" spoke tanjiro and uzui sighed and smiled "what" asked uzui and tanjiro looked at her "I had that covered" spoke tanjiro and uzui sighed "no you didn't you were going to pass out if I didn't help you" spoke uzui and tanjiro sighed knowing she was right.

Tanjiro smiled "mom can I go sell charcoal now" asked tanjiro and kie nodded yes and aurora looked at tanjiro "let me help you tanjiro" spoke aurora. Tanjiro smiled "sure you can help" spoke tanjiro aurora smiled and walked with tanjiro and put the basket of charcoal on her back and walked alongside tanjiro as her family said bye to her, she wished bye to uzui and uzui wished them good luck.

Aurora and tanjiro made their way to town and they got there and there were people arguing about a broken plate and tanjiro smelled the plate and told them a cat broke the plate and not the other person.  Aurora and tanjiro continued to start to sell the charcoal and tons of people needed some. After a hour, they started back up the mountain and were stopped by old man saburo and aurora and tanjiro were eating then they went to sleep. 

In the morning, they woke up and said goodbye to mr. saburo and walked the rest of the way up the mountain just to see a scene nether of them wanted to ever happen. Aurora looked and saw her older sister covering nezuko and rokuta covered in blood and aurora started to cry "what happened here" asked aurora and tanjiro looked at the scene in horror and walked up and looked in the house and gasp seeing her family dead and seeing uzui dead was scary 'who could do this' thought tanjiro. 

Tanjiro looked at aurora and ran to her side and hugged her and she hugged tanjiro back 'must be hard for her seeing her one family member dead' thought tanjiro and aurora let her go and tanjiro let her go. Aurora walked up and went wide-eyed "tanjiro uzui still is alive and so is nezuko" spoke aurora and tanjiro ran up. 

Aurora picked uzui up and put her on her back and tanjiro picked nezuko up and they started down the mountain. Aurora and tanjiro ran down the mountain hoping they could get to a doctor to save their siblings not wanting them to die. 'Why just why' thought tanjiro and aurora and they continued down the mountain.

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