chapter five: final selection

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Aurora and the others woke up and they said goodbye to urokodaki and uzui hugged aurora and aurora hugged uzui backed and smiled. Nezuko smiled and tanjiro, aurora headed out and started for mount fujikasane for the final selection and the three traveled and was talking on the way there. Aurora sighed and they got there and there were so many people there they got there and a young girl were there and a angry female and a crybaby and many others and tanjiro and nezuko looked around. 

Aurora liked the flowers they came across on the way here and they walked up and waited for instructions. Two kids walked out and looked at the people "hello welcome to the final selection" spoke the two girls and aurora looked at them "here on mt fujikasane wisteria flowers grow from the top and the bottom and stops here in here you will find demons that demon slayer corps have captured" spoke the guides and "good luck you will have to survive for seven days in there" spoke the white-haired guide. They walked in and got the test started and tanjiro nezuko and aurora ended up getting separated and aurora was alone.

Aurora walked around and found a person being chased by a demon "why do they let this demon here the demons here usually only eaten 1-2 humans" spoke the person and aurora appeared and slashed at the hand demon. "What era is it" asked the hand demon and aurora looked at it "the taisho era" answered aurora and aurora was hit by the demon as the demon started to yell about the period they were in. 

"Oh your one of urokodakis kids I can tell because of that mask" spoke the hand demon and aurora attacked the demon. Aurora was cut on the forehead and hit a tree and blacked out for a little and aurora came back around. Aurora stood up and looked at the demon aurora took a stance 'ice breathing first form: blazing freeze' thought aurora and aurora ran at the demon and jumped over the hands.

Aurora ran and slashed the demon neck and icicles came out and hit the demon hurting him and cutting his head off. Aurora landed and walked away she survived the seven days in the final selection area and got to the meeting point and tanjiro and nezuko was there and aurora walked up to them. "Tanjiro nezuko" spoke aurora and tanjiro and nezuko looked over and smiled and hugged aurora.

Aurora looked around to see the angry female and the quiet female and the crybaby was here. "I'm going to die this is it" spoke the crybaby and the guides came and told them the ranks and issued their uniforms and they were picking the ore to use and they picked and started to head back to urokodaki's place. They got back at night and uzui was under a blanket and saw it was night and came out the door and ran towards aurora.  Aurora ran to uzui and uzui hugged aurora and aurora head was on her chest and she hugged uzui. 

Nezuko, tanjiro hugged them too and uzui hugged them urokodaki saw them and hugged them. "You guys made it through" spoke urokodaki and they entered the house and got some food and ate. They all fell asleep and woke up in the morning and three sword showed up and they came in and tanjiro pulled his sword and it turned black. Nezuko pulled her sword and it turned pick and aurora pulled her swords and they turned light blue. 

"No bright red blade nooo" spoke huganzuka and tanjiro sighed. The swordsman makers left and urokodaki was explaining things to them when a crow came "hi i'm zuriko aurora's crow you have a mission head north" cawed zuriko and they changed into there uniform tanjiro had his green and black hoari on and nezuko was wearing a pink tinted uniform with pants and aurora black with chest area open and two splits one in front and one in back. 

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