chapter two: my older brother is a what

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Tanjiro and aurora were heading down the mountain and they went as fast as they could with people on their back. Uzui started to move her hand and knocked her and aurora off the ledge and tanjiro notice "AURORA" yelled tanjiro and aurora fall and landed on the snow and uzui was standing up. Tanjiro came down and ran to aurora's side "are you okay" asked tanjiro and aurora looked at tanjiro "yeah i'm fine" spoke aurora and aurora looked around and found uzui. 

Aurora walked up to uzui and grabbed her shoulder "you don't have to stand I will carry you you can relax" spoke aurora and uzui then attacked her and knocked her to the ground and tanjiro went wide-eyed. Aurora blocked it with her axe she had, and she looked at uzui "uzui it's me aurora your younger sister I know your still there" spoke aurora and uzui started to cry. Then a black-haired female ran at them and tried to cut uzui's head off, but aurora moved out of the way just in time.

The female slashed and made snow fly and aurora looked at the strange women and she turned towards them and moved and took uzui from aurora "give her back she didn't do anything" yelled aurora and the women looked at her "why are you protecting it" spoke the women and aurora looked at her "thats my sister she didn't kill anyone she wouldn't kill them someone else did there was another sound there uzui didn't do anything" shouted aurora and the women looked at her. 

"This thing is a demon, and she will devour humans if I don't kill her" spoke the women and aurora looked at her "no she won't I'll make sure she doesn't eat anyone I swear" yelled aurora and the women stabbed uzui on the shoulder and aurora looked at her "stop hurting her she didn't do anything stop," shouted aurora. Aurora looked at the women and yelled at her and the women stabbed uzui again. Aurora bowed "stop I promise I will turn her back into a human" spoke aurora and the women looked at her "thats impossible" spoke the women and aurora looked at her "well I will make it possible" spoke aurora.

The women sighed and looked at aurora and saw she wasn't going to give up. "Don't cry. Don't despair. Now's not the time for that. I know you're devastated. Your family was massacred, and your sister became a demon. I know it's painful. I know you want to scream. I get it. If only I'd gotten here a half-day sooner, your family might not have ended up dead. But there's no way to turn back time. Feel the rage. The powerful pure rage of not being able to forgive will become your unswerving drive to take action!" yelled the women and aurora looked at her and throw a rock at her and the women blocked it with the hilt of her sword. 

Aurora threw another rock and stood up and ran behind a tree and throw a rock at the women and throw the hatchet at the women and ran at her and acted to attack with the axe and the women knocked aurora out. "Aurora" yelled tanjiro and nezuko woke up and saw this "aurora" yelled nezuko and the women took notice of those two 'there are others here' thought the women. The women blocked the rock and then realize the axe wasn't in aurora's hands and the women dodged the axe and sighed 'that was close' thought the women.

Uzui kicked the women, and the women watched the demon ran over to aurora 'shoot she going to kill her' thought the women but uzui just moved into a protective stance in front of aurora and the women went wide-eyed. The women calmed herself and uzui attacked the women and she dodged uzui and she let a sweat drop 'maybe they are different' thought the female and she knocked uzui out and sat uzui down next to aurora and cut a bit of bamboo and put a muzzle on uzui. The women leaned on a tree and tanjiro and nezuko ran to aurora and uzui "they are knocked out not dead she seems injured and who are you two" spoke the women and tanjiro looked at her "I'm tanjiro kamado and this is nezuko my sister" answered tanjiro.

The women looked "who are they" asked the women pointing to aurora and uzui and tanjiro looked at them "the girl is aurora uzui and the white haired female is tengen uzui they are siblings" answered tanjiro. The women looked at them and aurora woke up and grabbed uzui's kimono and sighed in relief and sat up and looked at the strange female. "Hi aurora and i'm giyuu tomoika I want you to go to mount sagiri to find a guy his name is sakonji urokodaki" spoke giyuu and giyuu looked " at aurora "keep her out of direct sunlight" told giyuu and aurora nodded "why though" asked aurora "she will disintegrate" answered giyuu as she disappeared.

Aurora sighed and looked at tanjiro and nezuko aurora picked uzui up and ran down the mountain and the sun started to poke out and she went to a cave and sat uzui down. Aurora and tanjiro walked off and found a guy "hey do you have a basket and blanket we can have" asked aurora and the farmer looked at aurora "yeah you can have them" spoke the farmer.and aurora smiled "thank you here the money" spoke aurora and the farmer sighed "no you can have them for free" spoke the farmer. 

Aurora grabbed the farmers hand and put the money in his hands and left and went to the cave. She found uzui in a hole and aurora sighed and sat the basket down and fixed it so it uzui could be put in. Aurora finish and nezuko and tanjiro walked over and sat down and aurora sighed. "Hey uzui" greeted aurora and uzui looked at her "can you fit inside the basket" asked aurora. Uzui tried to get in the basket, and it fall, and aurora sighed "hey I know can you shrink like you did earlier but get smaller and not bigger" asked aurora. 

Uzui then started to shrink and flipped and sat down and aurora smiled and patted uzui on the head. Uzui looked at aurora and patted her on her head and then patted tanjiro on his hand and looked at nezuko and patted her on her head. Aurora sighed and put the blanket on the box and put it on her back and stood up. Aurora and tanjiro, nezuko walked out and walked to mount sagiri and aurora sighed and talked with tanjiro and nezuko.

Aurora smiled glad that giyuu didn't kill her sister. The three traveled and found a house and tanjiro opened the door and saw a demon. Nezuko looked at it and it looked at the group. Aurora looked at it and sighed and the demon looked at them and growled.

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