chapter four: training

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Aurora woke up and sat up and looked at uzui and smiled and walked over and patted uzui on her head and she woke up and patted aurora's head. Aurora smiled and hugged uzui and uzui hugged her back. Aurora let go and stood up and smiled at uzui "bye" spoke aurora and she walked out of the door and meet up with urokodaki and she sat down, and they waited for tanjiro and nezuko all though they are on different levels. 

"Aurora how are you so good at fighting what giyuu told me you didn't fight at all" asked urokodaki and aurora looked at urokodaki "well before uzui was a demon she trained me to fight so I can defend myself if anyone were to attack me" explained aurora and urokodaki smiled and nodded. "Oh, uzui also was a former shinobi before we both left to live a life where we don't want to fight" spoke aurora and urokodaki nodded "please don't bring it up to uzui it's still a sensitive topic for her and me" spoke aurora. 

Urokodaki nodded and smiled "I understand I won't" spoke urokodaki and tanjiro and nezuko came and looked at them. Urokodaki looked at the three of them "lets head outside" spoke urokodaki and they walked out "nezuko and tanjiro you will clash against each other, and aurora come with me" spoke urokodaki and they nodded. Aurora followed urokodaki up the mountain and was told to go down and to be back before sundown. 

Aurora ran down and avoided some knives 'so this is trapped' thought aurora and she fell in a pit and jumped out and ran down the mountain and she looked and dodged a log and she got to the cliff, and she walked on it. She got down and she opened the door to urokodaki's house and nezuko and tanjiro looked at her and she walked in, and she was a mess she had dirt and cuts on her. 

Tanjiro looked at her worried "what happened to you" asked nezuko "well I ran down a trapped mountain" answered aurora. Tanjiro sighed and aurora sighed and yawned and sat down and ate and then went to sleep. 

At the demon slayer corps

Kaguya sighed and looked at giyuu "so you have a mission I need you and sanemi to take diana and kill a demon" spoke kaguya and giyuu nodded and disappeared. Giyuu walked up to a scarred male who was currently talking to a girl with a butterfly clip. "Sanemi, we got a mission" spoke giyuu and sanemi looked at her and sighed and walked up "now we need to get diana" spoke giyuu and sanemi sighed. 

They got diana and started to head to the mission and when they got there it was nighttime and they hunted the demon and killed it, but it wasn't over because it was a clone and they had to find the real demon in order to kill the demon. 

At urokodaki's house

Aurora sighed and looked at urokodaki and nezuko and tanjiro and she sighed. Urokodaki all took them to the mountain to train. He went to the house while they had to get down the mountain while avoided the traps. Aurora ran down and she avoided the knives and then she continued on dodgeing all of the traps. 

Aurora sighed and made it to urokodaki's house, and they talked when tanjiro and nezuko appeared looking like a mess. Aurora laughed at them and they pouted and they sat down, and they ate. They walked back and they continued to train and uzui walked out and urokodaki looked at her and uzui sat down in the shade and watched them train. 

Uzui walked back into the house and sat down and looked at the ground sad that she was a demon. Urokodaki looked at uzui and sat down next to her "feel like you're a failure right" spoke urokodaki and nezuko, tanjiro and aurora heard this and started to eavesdrop on them. Uzui nodded and urokodaki looked at her "it's alright all you can do now is protect aurora and the humans from the demons that will eat them" spoke urokodaki and uzui nodded understanding.

Two years went by and urokodaki watched as aurora beat nezuko in a duel. Urokodaki sighed and looked at the two "alright aurora, nezuko, tanjiro follow me" spoke urokodaki and they followed him to a rock "aurora if you can cut this rock in half, I will send you off to final selection" spoke urokodaki and aurora nodded. 

Urokodaki lead tanjiro and nezuko to rocks and told them the samething. Aurora looked at the rock and got into a stance and moved towards the rock and slashed and she didn't cut the rock in half but she creacked the rock a little. 

Aurora speat day and night and she then slashed again and cut the rock in half. Aurora smiled and walked back to the house and sighed urokodaki looked at her "I did cut the rock in half" spoke aurora and urokodaki nodded. Aurora and urokodaki waited for tanjiro and nezuko to cut there rock. 

Nezuko came in and sighed they looked at her "I finally cut the rock" spoke nezuko and aurora smiled "good for you" spoke aurora and nezuko looked at her and smiled. Uzui came out and looked at them and she sat down and looked at them confused. Nezuko looked at uzui "if uzui doesn't eat humans how does she get her energy from" asked nezuko and urokodaki looked at her and sighed "well nezuko uzui gets her energy by seeing people she is close to smile" spoke urokodaki and aurora smiled and uzui hugged her. 

Tanjiro came in and they looked at him "I did it" spoke tanjiro and aurora and nezuko smiled and tanjiro and the others sat down and started to eat. They finished eating and urokodaki sighed "well final selection is no joke and it could be the end of your life but try your best to survive and you will be a full demon slayer after if you survive the selection" explained urokodaki. Aurora nodded and tanjiro smiled "I will try" spoke tanjiro and nezuko nodded.  

"You will have to go to mount fujikasane for final selection" directed urokodaki. Aurora nodded and they went to sleep and urokodaki sighed and went to sleep hoping they won't actually die in final selection. Aurora woke up and looked at uzui who was currently sleeping, and she smiled 'I will turn you back into a human' thought aurora. 

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