Chapter 2

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"Come on Shoto. You have to stay strong!" A soft voice spoke as she held me close to her. "You need to show him that you're strong." The woman started to sob.


"Stay safe my baby." The warmth of the woman left me as she stood up and walked out the door but not without being hit.

I heard her sob as the door closed. The beast got closer to me. I heard him. He was angry.

"Listen to me Shoto." I didn't dare to look up into his eyes. This made him even more mad. "You are to take these pills. If I find out you're not taking them, you're going to wish you were never even born."

"Who said I already didn't."


"Todoroki-kun, are you alright?" Midoriya placed his hand on my shoulder.

'Oh yeah. Group rank training. Forgot I was in the middle of doing this.'

"I'm fine."

"Alright then. You and Momo-san are up now. Good luck." He gave me a soft smile as he continued with his business.

'I wonder who won between him and Iida. I wasn't paying much attention.'

I stepped onto the field to where Momo was standing in front of me a good bit away.

"When you first hear the bell, the fight will start. When you hear it a second time, the fight has ended. Are my instructions loud and clear." Aizawa spoke the same speech he gave to everyone else. Me and Momo both nodded in return.

"Very well. Your match may begin." And with that, the first bell went off.

We both started to run towards each other. Momo was about to throw her first punch before I tripped her. She's a good strategist and can mostly always tell a persons next move. So I need to beat her at her own game.

Usually when we train together, I mostly dodge attacks and wait for her to get tired out. So I strike first.

As she laid on the ground, I put my foot on her back so she couldn't get back up.




The bell rung. I won the first round so I just need to win one more to beat her. I reached my hand out for Momo to take which she gladly did.

We got back into our starting positions and waited for the bell to ring again.

Once we both heard it go off, we charged at each other. She swung first to which I dodged. I then tried to kick her off her feet which backfired on me and she kneed me in my nose. Luckily it wasn't bleeding, but I made it seem like it majorly hurt.

"Oh no, Todoroki-kun! Are you okay?" She squat down to my side to check to see if my nose was bleeding and that's when I took my chance. Catching her off guard, I knocked her off her feet and pinned her to the ground. After 3 seconds, the second bell went off and I won the second match. I help Momo back onto her feet and she gladly took it once again.

"Shoto Todoroki has won the second match. Katsuki Bakugo and Ejirou Kirishima are up next." Aizawa called out using a microphone.

"You did great Todoroki. I was kinda in shock when you tripped me during the first round. Good match." She smiled as we walked off the field and Bakugo and Kirishima walked on.

Then everything went black.

Bakugo's pov

I start to walk onto the arena when I'm suddenly pushed forward. I turn around, about to get on someone's ass before I see Icyhot passed out on the ground.

"Todoroki-kun!" Deku yells out making ponytail turn around and also see the bastard on the ground.

"Deku, go get Sensei. I'll take Icyhot to Recovery Girl." I demanded as I started to put the bastard on my back with shitty hairs help.


I started my walk to the infirmary when I felt the bastards hand grip my shit. I looked back to see he was still passed out. I sighed and opened the door to where the infirmary was. Recovery bitch was quick to notice us.

"Oh dear what happed?" She spoke in her normal calm voice.

"No clue. Me and Sharky were walking onto the arena while Icyhot and Ponytail were walking off. Then he passed out." I explained to her as she lead me to a bed to put him on.

She placed her hand on his forehead. She then brought out her heartbeat checker thing. "His heart rate is normal and he doesn't have a fever. I'm not quite sure what could've caused this, but he should stay in here till he wakes up. You can stay in here and wait for him to wake up if you'd like. I'll send a note to Aizawa."

"I have a match to finish, but I can come back when I'm done if that's alright."

"It very much is." She handed me a note. "Give that to aizawa."

I walked out of the infirmary and back to the arena. I gave Sensei the note then continued with my match.

in the infirmary
3rd person pov

All the match's have been completed for the day and Bakugo was now back in the infirmary. He went to the curtain room Todoroki was in and sat down in a chair. Recovery girl had given him more information that could've lead to Todoroki passing out. Her main suspension was that he was dehydrated so he grabbed him a bottle of water.

He was sitting there for about 20 minutes when he felt the room getting colder. It then got hotter. Then colder once more. He looked at the boy on the bed and saw that he was tossing and turning repeatedly.

Before Bakugo could wake him up, he jolted awake. He looked around frantically as he gripped his legs.

"Icyhot calm down!" Bakugo grabbed the younger's hand to keep him from digging his nails further into his thigh.

Todoroki finally realized his surroundings and immediately calmed down.

"I'm fine." was all he said as he returned back to his emotionless face.

Bakugo didn't buy it for a second and kept his own grip on the boys hands. "Then what the fuck was that about?"

"Nothing just leave me alone."

"Here. at least drink this." Bakugo gave Todoroki the water bottle then sat right back in the chair he was in. "Recovery girl said you passed out from dehydration."

Todoroki hummed as he drunk the water he was given. His mind kept going back to the nightmare he had. The pain his heart relived. He just hoped Bakugo didn't hear or see anything he shouldn't have.

Words: 1148

The next chapter will be what Todoroki had dreamt about/flashbacks he had. It will contain a TW at the beginning.

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