Chapter 15

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Shoto's pov

The house was quiet when I walked in. No sounds of a TV, cooking in the kitchen, or angry yelling. It was completely silent. I sighed quietly as I started to make my way through the house and towards the stairs. Before I even placed a foot on the first step, I heard a deep voice from behind me.

"Shoto." Was all the voice said, but it still sent shivers down my spine. Fear rose in me and I slowly turned around.


He had no expression on his face, but I could tell he was confused why I was home, but mad that I wasn't training at school.

"Why are you home. Shouldn't you be at UA training to get better?" He said while crossing his arms.

I held my breath as I took off my bag, opening it to get my binder out with the permission slip. When I saw it wasn't there, I remembered that Bakugo had taken it from me back when we were leaving the classroom.

"Well?" He deadpanned, starting to get impatient.

"I have a permission slip that I need for you to sign for a field trip Sensei is taking the class on, but I seem to have misplaced it." I was starting to get anxious. I didn't know how he would react. Is he going to tell me I'm irresponsible and therefore I can't go? What if he says no and keeps me here to train instead? What if-

"When you find the paper, give it to me. I'm guessing you will still be training will on the trip, correct?"

"Yes sir." I lied to him. Sensei said it will be a no training trip, but what he doesn't know won't hurt.

"Now go to your room. I will call you back down here for training in a bit."

I nodded as I started back up the stairs and to my room. I sat down my bag and got my phone out to ask Bakugo if he still had my binder.

Before I could even start the message, there was a knock on my...window? I look up from my phone and at a certain blond who was smirking while waving around my binder. I quickly rushed to the window, unlocking it, and letting Bakugo in.

"What the hell? Why didn't you just knock on the front door?" I asked, closing the window as Bakugo threw the binder on my bed and then himself.

"Didn't feel like talking to your dad. Also I saw you through your window and thought 'why the fuck not'."

I was about to say something then just shook my head and sat down on my bed beside him. I knew whatever I said was just gonna be ignored so why even bother.

"Your rooms pretty basic." He stated while looking around it. I always thought the same, but it's not like I could change it.

"Thanks, I guess?" There was a moment of awkward silence. It was just us two sitting on my bed looking at each other. I would be lying if I said my face wasn't heating up right now.

"So, what do you usually do here?" He asked breaking the silence and our eye contact. Now he was looking at a book shelf that hung over a desk where I would do my homework. "Do you just read a fuck ton of books?"

"Pretty much. It's either reading or training." After I said that, we went back into silence. This time it was more comforting as he just looked around my room to find any evidence of personality.

There was then a buzz from his phone to which he looked at and sighed before putting his phone in his pocket and getting off my bed.

"I have to get going, my mom's asking where I went." I felt kind of disappointed that he was leaving for two reasons For one, his presence made me feel calm and two, it took my mind off that I'm about to be put through who knows how many hours of my fathers training.

He opened the window back up, starting to crawl back out. I just watched him from my bed silently. Before he was fully out, he turned back to me.

"You better get that paper signed. I don't feel like being stuck with some other idiot. I can at least tolerate you." and with that he slipped out of the window, closing it back and went back home.

A smile made its way to my face. By now, everything he did made me feel happy and good inside, something I never really felt.

I sighed as I grabbed the paper and headed back downstairs. I knocked on my dad's office door. It took him a minute to get to the door and open it and when he did he just gave me his blank face look before motioning to the paper in my hand and taking it.

"Go get dressed for training and I'll give you paper back, and signed, if you do good." He said as he put the paper on his desk. I quickly obliged and ran upstairs and put on one of my training clothes that was already torn and burnt.

Once I was done, I headed to the trading room. I could already tell I was gonna dread this, but I had to do my best if I wanted to get this break.

I laid on the training room floor. My dad left about 10 minutes ago after beating the absolute shit out of me. I felt like there was no way he would sign the paper now. I didn't fight back how he wanted. I didn't use my fire against him like he wanted. I curled myself into a tighter a ball, feeling like shit.

I heard the door open, my father's figure standing at the door. He there a crumbled piece of paper at me and left with no words.

I weakly grabbed it, uncrumbling it. I felt a small smile on my face when i saw it was the field trip form filled out. It gave me enough strength to get up and weakly walk back to my room, but not without holding onto the wall.

Once in my room, I bandage any cuts or burns that were left and aided any bruises. After, I got into my pajamas and checked my phone for any messages I had gotten, expecting none.

1 message from Bakugo.


Imma be at your house in the morning so we can walk to school together.


I smiled at my phone, liking his message before putting my phone on the charger and climbing into my bed. As if it was automatic, I fell asleep quickly, waiting for tomorrow to start.

Words: 1140

lol hey lovelies- it's been a few months since I updated and I would like to apologize deeply🙏  I'll try to update more frequently since it's summer but yk, i might die again lol. Anyways I hoped you enjoyed💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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