Chapter 5

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"You don't know how it feels. You say you do, but you really don't." Touya bitterly spat at me, as I had dry tears on my face.

"I-I know you're going through something Touya-nii, but so is the whole family." I said back with no emotion in my voice. I felt broken.

"Everyone but you. Dad idolizes you because you have the quirk he wanted and your an alpha. There's nothing more that can make him happier."

"Can you just leave me alone." I plead to him and he didn't move an inch. Not until our father opened the door.


My brother stood up and walked towards the door. Behind our father he saw an older woman, but choose to ignore her. He then walked out, leaving me, my father, and this stranger left.

"Shoto, this is Kari Hifuki. She's here to help me teach you a lesson."

That's when everything went black.

7:06 am

I woke up to the feeling of my body being shaken. I look up at Bakugo who seems like he had just went through a whole breakdown.

"Oh thank God you're alive. You started to freeze my room and when I came to wake you up, you were barely breathing."

He sounded really panicked, which was strange to me. I choose to ignore it and threw the covers off of me. As soon as I did, I heard a knock on his door. I'm guessing he didn't hear it, cause he was still focusing on me.

I heard the knock again and I looked at the door. I looked back at Bakugo to see that woman's face again. Kari Hifuki. My heart fell into my stomach when I saw her. All the memories of what she did to me starting to flood my mind. I started to panic. Right before she could touch me, I felt myself being shaken once again.




"Icyhot!" I woke up and see Bakugo holding onto both of my shoulders. "Holy shit, you scared the fuck out of me."

"What happened?" I asked as I brought my hand to my forehead, feeling how cold it was.

"You started to freeze up my dorm. I thought I was gonna have to go get Aizawa to calm your ass down. I decided against it once I sensed your pheromones going haywire again. Knew I couldn't leave you here, cause it would lead the other alphas over."

"Oh. Thank you then."

"Don't sweat it, but we should probably do something for you. You almost froze yourself to death, so go to your dorm, throw something on, and we'll go to some place and get you something hot to drink." He said while snatching the covers off of me and pulling me out of his bed.

"I can just use my quirk to warm myself up." I sorta sassed back to him as I started to use my left side. It worked for a good 30 seconds before it just stopped working all on its own.

"That's why I told you to go get ready. Since you almost froze yourself, and my dorm, your fire quirk probably won't work till you warm up a bit."

I sighed to myself as I collected myself and headed towards the door. Before I opened it, Bakugo called out to me. "Meet me outside, by the gates, at 8."

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