Chapter 6

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"Shoto, sit down for me." My teacher told me before I left her classroom.

I did as I was told and sat down in a desk in front of her own. I did not look her in the eyes. I couldn't.

"Shoto, do you mind telling me why your grades are slipping? I've never had this trouble with you, because you are an all A student. Your top of your class, but now. Just... what's going on?" She asked me, now squatting in front if the desk I was in.

"Nothing is wrong Miss. I just need to study a little bit harder." I answered, still not looking at her. I felt tears form in my eyes, but i quickly sucked up my emotions.

"Shoto, please don't be afraid to talk to me. You're a good kid and you're really smart also. So please, come talk to me whenever you need to."

"Yes ma'am. If that's all you needed to classify, may I exit?" I answered, finally looking up at her. She let out a little gasp as she looked into my eyes. I know what she was thinking. 'So dull. So lifeless.'

"Y-you may. I'll see you tomorrow okay?" She said as she got up and opened the door to which I walked out of.

I walked to the pickup area and saw the tall scary man. "Come on Shoto." he said in his stern voice as he opened the car door. I hopped in silently and was like that for the whole car ride home.


"Todoroki, stay back for a little. I need to have a word with you." Aizawa sensei spoke and I felt my breath hitch. I did as I was told and shut the door behind me. I then sat in a desk that was in front of his and kept my eyes down.

"Bakugo told me that when you were sleeping, your quirk went a little out of control. Do you know why?" He asked me. I felt his eyes looking at me.

"No sir, I do not." I lied to him. I think he could tell, due to the sigh he let out.

"Eri does this thing when she's sleeping." He stopped when he saw my head perk up a little, then he continued. "Her quirk starts up and she brings dead roaches, flys, moths, and other insects from outside, back to their living state. It only happens when she has nightmares though."

That's when I knew where he was going with this. I looked up at him and met his eyes. He knew that my quirk was going off due to nightmares. I still didn't say anything though and just mindlessly looked at him.

"Me and Present Mic went to this class to figure out what to do. One of the options were quirk resistance bracelets.  We didn't quite like that idea though. But then the lady gave us this one method. Having the piece of a loved one. It can calm you down. There were many more methods also. But if you would like to try either of these, let me know." He got up and so did I. He led me to the door and started opening it. Right when I was about to walk out, he spoke up once again. "I would suggest the piece of a loved one though because it can also calm down pheromones."

That one sentence made my heart stop beating, but before I could say anything, he closed the door. I took a deep breath to gain my composure back. I then headed to the training rooms to let off my built of steam.

Bakugo's pov

I got done with my lunch fairly quickly. I didn't want to sit through the pain of hearing these idiots come up with stupid ideas. I got up from the table and start to walk to the trash can and throw away my food. I then continued to walk out of the lunch room and to one of the training rooms.

I put on some gym clothes in the locker room then headed towards an empty training room. Before I opened the door, I heard some racket being caused in the one across from it. Usually I would ignore this and stay to my own task, but I felt the need to see what is going on.

I scoffed to myself and opened the door to the room all the racket was being made. I saw the Icyhot bastard on his knees and hands on the ground. He looked out of breath and exhausted.

"What got you so angry." I spoke up and saw him turn back at me. He let out a shaky breath.

"Sensei knows." Was all he said. I sighed and went towards him and sat down. I grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to him which he mumbled a thank you out.

"I didn't say a word."

"I know. I think he found out while talking to me one on one, or he's known all along." Icyhot said as he placed the water next to him, then laid his head on his knees.

I thought for a moment before placing his hand on Icyhot's back, and rubbing it. Not expecting the physical touch, he jumped a little before settling down and letting it happen.

I took my hand away from his back and started to get up. Icyhot looked at me curiously before getting up himself.

"We are gonna spar." I said as I started getting in a fighting position.

"Are you sure you wanna spar now and not wait till later?"

"Better to just get this over with."

Half n' Half let out a mumble before getting into his fighting stance. I then nodded at him to single that the spar has started.

I then started to charge at him while starting up my quirk. He didn't move a muscle. I then shot myself into the air and covering the area with smoke. I then felt something cold reach my legs. I looked down and saw that i was covered in ice.

"Sneaky bastard." I whispered before i blew up the pieces of ice that covered my legs. I fell to the ground and hacked my surroundings. There was some left over smoke from my last explosion and made it hard to find Icyhot.

Next thing I know, there is a weight on my back and I start to get hot. Then I go cold. I knew it was the bastard, so I gripped his legs that were wrapped around my waist and pushed him off. I then charged at him once more, but this time I tackled him to the ground. I pinned his hands above his head with one of mine, while the other kept his hips down. I was on my knees, trapping him so he had no way out. He started to breath heavily and let out a small whimper in defeat.

"Gotcha, you bastard." I spoke down on him.

He was about to speak up, before the door opened, making us both rapidly fix ourselves so it didn't look like we were doing anything suspicious.

Words: 1200

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