Chapter 8

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TW: mention of scars and abuse

"Shoto?" I heard my sisters voice. I sat up in my bed and stared at the door. "Are you awake?" She asked after a little knock.

I looked at my clock on my bedside table. It flashed 1:24 a.m. in a bright red. I took the cover off of myself and started at my legs. They were filled with scars. Some from myself and some from my father. I jumped off my bed and walked to the door, opening it.

"Ah, there you are." She gave me a small smile. She pushed up her glasses so that they weren't falling off her nose. "Come on! Natsuo is already outside." She grabbed my hand and took me downstairs and outside.

Out there was a blanket on the ground with different types of sweets on it. Natsuo was already sitting down, looking at the sky. Me and Fuyumi reached the blanket and sat down. Natsuo noticed this and gave a not so friendly, but friendly face. I knew he wasn't to fond of me.

"Here Shoto." Fuyumi gave me a small box with a ribbon on top. "I know we are very late with the present, but happy late 13."

I gave a small smile and sat the box to the side. "I'll open when we get back inside."

My birthday was three months ago, but my father refused me to see my siblings. His reason being, 'You go to UA in two years and you are not even close to being ready. So not only will you be an omega, but another failure.'

But I let thoughts of him float away as I spent time with my siblings. I got along with Natsuo and me and Fuyumi grew closer. We were about to go back inside when Natsuo pulled me to him and hugged me.

"One day Shoto, you will see why living through this life of wounds and scars are worth it. Life will get better for you and you will find a group of people that love you. Not the type of love me and Fuyumi give." He let go of me and walked inside.

I stood there for a minute frozen before letting a smile take over my face. I quickly replaced it as I walked back inside myself and went back to bed.


It was now the weekend and I was sitting in my bed, debating life. My father was out of town so that meant no weekend training. Fuyumi and Natsuo were both busy. Mom, I still can't bear to see her face.

I let out a sigh and turned to lay on my side. On the bed side table, I saw the suppressants almost half empty. I sat up and grabbed the bottle, popping two in my mouth, then taking a sip of my water.  A wave of tiredness hit me and just as I was about to fall asleep, someone knocked on my door.

"Icyhot, open the damn door or we're going to be late." A voice said from outside. Then it hit me. I'm hanging out with Bakugo and his group today.

I let out a silent groan and opened the door for Bakugo and let him in.

"You're not even fucking dressed yet? Don't tell me you forgot." I looked down sheepishly and slowly nodded. Bakugo let out a tsk sound and say on my bed. "Well hurry up and get dressed."

I picked out some clothes, quickly going into my bathroom and changing. I stare at myself in the mirror for a bit before finishing up. I walk back out and see that Bakugo has something in his hands. He looks pissed off. I choose to ignore it and instead made my presence known.

"Are you ready?"

He just stood up, shoving the object into his pants and started for the door. I quickly gathered my things and followed him out.

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