Chapter 7

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"Gotcha, you bastard." Bakugo spoke down to Todoroki after he had him caught during their fight.

Todoroki was about to speak up, before the door opened, making them both rapidly fix themselves so it didn't look like they were doing anything suspicious.

"Yo! Bakubro, Todobro! I knew I heard someone in here! Are y'all fighting?" Kirishima said as he started to put his stuff down. Bakugo walked to his and took a sip of water, while Todoroki stayed sat on the ground.

"We were sparing, but you're dumbass interrupted."

"Oh sorry man!" Kirishima walked over to todoroki and put his hand out. Todoroki stared at it for a minute, before realizing he was being offered to to stand up. He grabbed the redheads hand and mumbled a thank you. "Do you guys mind if I join? I tried to get Denki to come down with me, but he was too busy talking with Mina and Sero."

"You two can spar. I was just about to leave anyways." Todoroki spike up as he started to pack his stuff.

"Aw come on Todoman! We haven't spared in a while." Kirishima asked in a pleading tone. Todoroki looked past him and at Bakugo who was smirking his ass off.

"Fine." Todoroki said while letting out a sigh.

"AWESOME!" Kirishima yelled out which made Todoroki wince a bit. The red head didn't catch it thankfully, but the blond did.

"Spar with the idiot some. He won't go as far as hurting you in anyway. And he'll probably request to not use quirks." Bakugo whispered into Todoroki's ear before going an sitting down on a bench to watch.

And he was right. Kirishima requested to spar without quirks. When they were done, Todoroki ended up wining twice and Kirishima won once.

"Dang. I really thought had you on that last round." Kirishima whined as he took a sip of his water. "I even tried sending out territorial pheromones. I should've known they wouldn't work on you."

Which was completely false. Todoroki felt very light headed, but obviously wouldn't let Kirishima know that. He looked at Bakugo who knew what was going on.

"Shitty hair, you reak. Go take a shower or some shit." Bakugo said as he let out a growl. Kirishima smelled himself then agreed to Bakugo's comment and went to wash off.

"How shit, his pheromones are strong." Todoroki commented as he sat down by Bakugo, leaning his head in his hands.

"Let's go. We still got two more classes left. Then you can go to your dorm and do whatever the fuck you want." Bakugo said as he stood up. He offered his hand to Todoroki, who gratefully took it.




"Todobae, wait for me!" Mina yelled out as she ran to catch up with Todoroki. They just got out of their last class and where heading to the dorms or other places. "I have a question."

"I will try my best to answer." Todoroki responded as he kept on hand on the strap of his bag.

"Okay so, are you and Bakugo, like friends now? Kiri said he walked in on y'all training and that he was being all nice to you." Mina gave Todoroki a questioning look and before he could answer, another voice was heard.

"I wasn't being fucking nice to him. I was bragging of how much stronger I am. Also, we aren't friends." Bakugo scoffed then continued to walk ahead of the two.

Mina let out a sigh then turned to Todoroki with a smile. "He's such a hard head isn't he."

Todoroki just gave her a look. He isn't really used to louder, more extroverted people like Mina. Sure, Midoriya was also quite loud, same as Iida when it comes to explaining, but the pink girl was just different.

"Well, since you're now friends with Bakugo, you should hang out with our group!"

"Thank you, but-"

"We're all hanging out this weekend. You're def coming!" The girl said, cutting Todoroki off.

He so wanted to turn down the offer, but she seemed so happy and excited for him to hang out that weekend. He sighed, and mentally groaned, before telling her what she wanted to hear.

"I can't wait."

His response made the girl squeal in happiness then running to Kaminari to let him know.

Words: 720

Omg, another chapter🙌

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