Chapter 9

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"Finally! You guys made it!" Dunce face yelled out as he spotted us. I just grunted in response and took a seat. The Icyhot bastard sat down next to me which didn't help my already pissed off mood.

When I went to his dorm to pick him up, I saw a bottle of suppressants that had his sisters name on them. I knew he had to use something to keep his omega scent at bay, but fucking suppressants where not the answer. I've heard what they could do to an omegas body and it's not good. No wonder he looks so fucked up.

"What's got your panties in a twist today Bakudick? You're more grumpy than usual." Mina asked me. Glad my mood is obvious.

"Shut the fuck up and keep your nose on your own fucking business." I stated not wanting to deal with this shit right now.

I slightly looked at Icyhot. I couldn't keep my mind off him. NOT IN THAT WAY THOUGH.

"Bakugo, are you okay?" He whispered to me. I grunted in response. I knew it needed to be brought up, just don't know when.

"Mina, I think me and Bakugo are gonna head out. Is that okay with you?" I looked up confused.

"Oh um...sure! Is everything alright?" She asked looking between us worriedly.

"Yes. I just don't feel very good and Bakugo seems to be in a bad mood." He explained calmly.

"Alright then! See y'all later!" She gave us a big smile as we slithered out of our seats and started to walk out of the mall.

The walk back to the dorms was quiet and awkward. He knew I knew something. He couldn't figure out what it was though. We finally made it back to the dorms and we both had the same idea. Going to my dorm. I opened the door and let him in first. He quietly sat on the bed. No words spoken. I let out a sigh before grabbing the chair from my desk and sitting in front of him.

"What do you know." He stated, not even looking up. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of me knowing.

"I've just been wondering. Since you're an omega, how do you hide your scent so well?"  Plain and simply question.

He thought for a second. He didn't know what to say. God, how I love when he's speechless and has nothing else to say. Makes me proud. Kinda makes me wonder if he'd be this speechless if I fuc-

"I trained it."

'Right. Serious talk and i'm thinking about sex. Only one sign of why that is.'

"You can't train your natural scent to just not expose itself. The only logical reason is pills." I looked straight at his head. He hung it low, but you could tell he panicking just by the change in his demeanor.

"You saw them, didn't you?"

"Yes I fucking did. And I'm restricting you from taking them cause they can really fuck up your body."

"Where are they."

I stood up and started to fidget with the pill bottle in my hand. He noticed and started to get defensive.

"Give them back."

"Hell no! I'm not gonna let you ruin your body just to keep your omega scent in control." I raised my voice slightly, making him shrink. I took noticed and calmed myself down. "Look, Shoto, I've seen what this shit can do to an omega. Let me tell you, it's not pretty. So how about me and you find a different way to cover that up. Okay?"

Be nodded slowly. He head still down. I'm pretty sure he cried a bit, which made me feel bad.

'God, I can't believe I'm about to do this.'' I thought to myself before I sat next to him and brought him into a hug. I held his face in my chests so I didn't have to see him cry. I then started rubbing circles on his back.

"How about we start looking tomorrow? It's not a school day and there's nothing planned." I asked to which he just slowly nodded to. We sat there like this for another few seconds before he went back to his own dorm room.

Icyhot is really starting to do something to me, and I'm not quite sure I like it.

Todoroki's pov

I stand in front of Bakugo's door. A feeling of embarrassment running through my veins as I let my guard down in front of him. Memories of me crying in his arms last night rush to my mind. I take a deep breath in before knocking on the door. No answer. I knock again but met with a grunting sound this time.

I waited for a few more seconds before the door opened slightly. Bakugo poked his head out a tiny bit and just stared at me.

"Icyhot, what the hell are you doing here?" He heavily breathed out. From the glimpse I had of him, he looked sweaty and very distressed.

"We were going to look for better ways to control my omega scent. Are you okay? You don't look well." I reached out to touch his forehead, but he pulled his head back in with a slam of the door following behind. "Bakugo open up. I need to figure out what you caught so I can give you medicine." He groaned once again before opening the door and grabbing me, pulling me into his dorm.

He kept his grip on me with one hand while he locked his door with the another. In one swift movement, he spun me around and pinned me to the to the wall. He got close to my ear, his lips barely touching. His breathing have no pattern and sounded disoriented.

"You shouldn't be here." He whispered heavily. I had no idea what to say. I have never, consensually, been in a situation like this before. All I know is that I didn't want it to stop and wanted to see where this was gonna go.


"Damn it Shoto." He backed away, his head hanging low. Then it hit me. He's going through rut.

Words: 1032

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