Chapter 11

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TW: mentions of rape and SH

I look in the mirror on my bathroom wall. My eyes are red and puffy from crying. My throat scratchy and sore from screaming. My arms and legs scattered with cuts from my own hands. I hate how I look. I hate my father. I hate Kari Hifuki. I hate the stupid, ugly burn on my face. I hate myself.

I look back in my bedroom to see that same older woman lying in my bed again. He red hair down and messy. Kari Hifuki. I feel her touch on me still. Her hands. The thought makes me sick. Father says this is good for me and that I should like this because I am a boy, but I don't. I find no interest in this.

I close and lock the door to my bathroom and slide down the wall. I want to cry, but no tears dare to fall. I close my eyes, letting exhaustion take over me.


I wake up, feeling a pair of arms securely wrapped around my waist. Starting to panic, I unintentionally release fear pheromones. The grip around me tightens and a irritated groan is let out.

"Calm down. You're safe." A hoarse voice called out. I recognized it slightly, but I was too tried to try and figure out who it was. All I know is I felt safe in this persons arms. "Now go back to sleep." The person called out again and it's as if a switch was turned on in my head, because after they said that, I fell back asleep.




I wake up again, but to the sound of a door being slammed. I turn around in the bed and slightly open my eyes. I tried not to make too much noise and just watch for a bit. Then I heard the same voice from earlier speak up.

"Look old hag, I'll see what I can do. No promises though." There was a moment of silence then, "Alright I love you too. Bye." The person hung up the phone and without turning around, "I know you're awake Icyhot."

"Ah, sorry." Bakugo went to his closet, picking out some clothes for the day. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened yesterday? I can't quite seem to remember."

His body stiffened and he didn't say a word. He continued to rummage through his closet, ignoring me and my question. He finally threw a pair of jeans and a white shirt with a black leather jacket on an empty spot on the bed.

I sighed knowing I wasn't going to get an answer. I started to get out of the bed, standing on my own two feet. Before even taking a step, it hit me.

I fell back on to the bed, face heating up from embarrassment. "Did we..." my voice trailed off as I continued to come to realization. I looked at Bakugo who was tryna hide his own red face with a scowl.

"Yes, now get dressed. We're going to town to do what we were supposed to yesterday."

He threw some clothes in my lap then left the room with his own. I guess he was changing in a different room. I got off the bed and walked to the bathroom, using the wall as support. I sat the clothes down on the sink and started the bathtub. If there's anything I learned from my past, it's that baths are good pain relievers. Once I thought the temperature was good enough, I stripped my clothes off and slipped into the tub. I submerged my body and head under, and laid there. Thoughts started to ponder in my mind.

'Is things going to be awkward between us now? Are we even going to talk about it? How does he feel about what happened? Does he hate me now?'

I was broken from my thoughts when i heard banging on the door and a muffled 'Hurry your ass up Icyhot! We don't have all day!'.

I sighed and got out of the tub and drained the water. I dried my body with a spare towel and same with my hair. I then dressed myself in the outfit I was given. He must've gotten into my dorm and gotten some of my own clothes. How sweet.

I checked myself in the mirror one last time before stepping out and meeting Bakugo right at the bathroom door.

"Took you long enough princess." He said before taking my hand and literally dragging me off. He let go though once we reached the common room floor and to be honest, I liked him holding my hand. It made me feel warm and safe inside.

We made it through the common room without be bombarded with questions, which was quite surprising to me. We walked through the school gates and started our trip.

It was quiet and awkward for the first few minutes and it was eating me away. I could tell he also felt it as he would check his phone every other minute.

"The other day, you said you've seen what suppressants do to omegas. Can you elaborate on that?"

His body tensed up before letting out a sigh and shoving his phone, and hands, in his pockets.

"I had this friend in middle school who said he was an alpha, but actually was an omega. He would sneakily take his sisters suppressants so no one would know. One day he doesn't show up to class, then it was two weeks, then a month. Me and my friends started to worry and we showed up to his house. His mother let us in and the sight wasn't pretty. I'm not gonna go into detail, but he died a week later."

Silence fell between us. I kept my head down and eyes on the sidewalk. That's not what I was expecting to hear and it's quite sad. But I've been taking the suppressants for years now, and I'm still alive. I mean, the pills killing me won't be that bad, if not a good thing. 

"I don't know how the suppressants haven't killed you yet, but just know I'm glad they haven't." He said, mumbling the last part. I felt my face get a little hot. I'll have to check that out later.

"How much further is the mall?" I asked, shifting the subject.

"It's quite a walk, that's why we are gonna take the bus. The bus stop is right ahead and should be here in about 5 minutes."

I nodded slightly as we approached the bus stop to wait. While waiting, I kept stealing g glances at Bakugo, his story stuck in the back of my head. I took a deep breath to relax myself and not long after, the bus arrived and we hopped on.

This is gonna be a long day.

Words: 1148

What is this😱 A new chapter!!!

Sorry I kinda died for a month or two👍 I started school last month (Junior year baby😍), so updates might be slow. That's all! Thank you!

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