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We see a 29 year old Izuku sleeping in bed. He's tossing and turning while sweating immensely due to having a nightmare.

Izuku: Stop it! Stop it! STOP IT!!!

Izuku woke up with a jump, breathing heavily as he looked around. He saw nothing in his room as he looked at the mirror and took a few deep breathes

Izuku: Why can't y'all leave my head?

???: Dad?

Izuku turned to the voice and his face softened. Standing in the middle of the door frame were his 2 sons, Kota and Katsuma. Both had looks of concern plastered on their faces.

Izuku: I'm sorry boys, did I startle the two of you? It's just a nightmare.

Kota & Katsuma: ....

The boys walked up to their father and hugged him

Kota: It's okay dad.

Katsuma: Yeah, they can't hurt you anymore.

Izuku smiled as he hugged his sons back. He then got up and moved them out of the room as he realized what time it was.

Izuku: Thanks boys, I needed that. Now you two go get ready, we got 2 hours before school starts.

Katsuma and Kota left to get dressed in their school uniforms as Izuku went to his bathroom. He did his routine of taking a shower, brushing his teeth, and combing his hair. Izuku left the bathroom got dressed while listening to the radio. He was about to put on his shoes when he heard it.

Radio: In other news, last night Pro Heroines Arsenal & Gravattack saved a bus full of children thanks to their quick thi-

Izuku threw his shoe at radio, sending it flying into a wall and destroying it.


As Izuku tied his shoe laces, he noticed that his hand were starting to shake in pain. He runs over to his dressing table, opening a drawer to take out a bottle of pills and swallowed 2 pills. When the pain left, Izuku put on his gloves & rings before looking into the mirror.

 When the pain left, Izuku put on his gloves & rings before looking into the mirror

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His gloved hand touched the scar on the side of his left eye. Izuku frowned as he remembered that day.

Izuku:(Sighs) Stop thinking about that day. Just focus on your kids, or at least the 2 you still have.

Izuku turned from the mirror and cleaned up the broken radio, putting the pieces in the trash before taking out a new one from the closet. 

Meanwhile with Momo & Ochako

Dream Izuku: -nd to my former fiances, I can't wait for karma to come around and bite you both in the ass. I hate the 2 of you with all my heart.

Momo/(Uraraka): Izuku we're sorry!!! (Izuku please forgive us!!!)

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