Act I | Ch7: Bittersweet IzuMomo

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I-Island Dance

We see all of Class 1A & 1B in the reception hall of I-Island, wearing formal clothing and partying. Izuku was waiting around the door.

His classmates had tried to talk to him throughout the party

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His classmates had tried to talk to him throughout the party. Though Kendo, Yui, Kinoko, Ibara, Pony, Setsuna, and Yanagi were acting strange around him. Izuku was beginning to fidget anxiously when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to look at the person and blushed madly.

 He turned to look at the person and blushed madly

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Izuku: M-Momo!

Momo placed a finger on Izuku's lips and led him onto the dance floor.

Izuku: Wa-wait what are you-

Momo: Come on the dance is starting

Music: My wounded heart, scorched by fate

The void it bore, reverberates

Echoing footsteps in the dark

Everyone got with their partners and started to dance

Music: Fear meant nothing to me

with my heart floating free

Izuku & Momo were in the center of the dance floor. Izuku was shaking a little bit. 

Music: I slumbered...

I was so naïve and I never thought

I would meet someone like you

Momo giggled a little before she puts her arms on Izuku's shoulders. Izuku blushed slightly as he puts his arms around Momo's waist. 

Music: My eyes caressed by the light

I awake to a new life

The duo began to dance slowly

Music: Skies of clouded grey

Now a blue horizon

Izuku was somewhat good at dancing, having gotten lessons from his uncle Masaru before leaving for I-Island.

Music: Courage floods into my heart

Gives me hope to carry on

I will show to you

a flower blooming

here in the snow

Momo smiled a little bit as the duo began to sing with the band. They began a medium-paced salsa dance as the others stopped their own dances to look at the lovebirds.

Momo/Music: That flower will blossom!

Flourish! I promise!

Witness me and all my love

Izuku/Music: Together you and I

Can join the warmth of our hearts

Momo/Music: and nurture this frozen world

Music: Until the light fades out for me...

You will find me by your side.

The music stops as Izuku took Momo's arm and twirled her around before bringing her in for a kiss.

The music stops as Izuku took Momo's arm and twirled her around before bringing her in for a kiss

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Real World

Momo woke up startled as she looked around and saw that she was inside her personal study in her family's estate.

Momo: Oh Zuzu...

Momo blushed and smiled a little as she remembered that dance. Momo started to cry as she started to remember that Izuku was the traitor. 

Momo: Why did you do it?

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Cleaning up her tears, Momo opened the door to find one of the servants standing there.

Maid: Miss Yaoyorozu, pardon the intrusion but your father has asked for your presence.

Momo: Thank you. I will be with my father shortly.

The maid nodded as she walked away while Momo closed the door.

With Izuku

Izuku woke up with a start as he looked around his cell looking for Momo but found no one. Izuku sat up and began to remember their dance at I-Island.

Izuku: You will find me by your side.

His smile soon turned into a frown as he remembered how both his fiancés betrayed him & broke off the wedding. Izuku growled as he pushed the memory deep down and covered by Izuku's growing hatred & bitterness.

Izuku: Why didn't either of you believe me?

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