Act I | Ch4: The Announcement & Team

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Izuku was woken up by Nine shaking his bed. Izuku looked at the clock and saw that it was 5 in the morning, 2 hours earlier then when he would usually wake up. He heard voices outside the cell. Voices he knew didn't belong to any of the guards or prisoners in Tartarus.

Izuku: (Yawning) So I take it that the prisoners from Kryptarium and Blackwater are here?

Izuku questioned as he sat up on his bed. Nine nodded as he helped Izuku get up.

Chimera: They arrived half an hour ago. They've been making a ruckus ever since.

Tengai: No respect for other people and their sleep.

The doors to their cell opened up.

Head Guards of Blackwater, Tartarus, & Kryptarium: Alright maggots, line up!!!

Izuku, Nine, his crew, Flect Turn, Beros, Serpenters, Sidero, Leviathan, Stain, Overhaul, and the Precepts went outside. Some of the prisoners from Blackwater started to snarl & growl when they saw Izuku.

Slice: (Concerned) Kid why are they acting like that?

Izuku: Because I fought them during the Siege of New York and was the one who put them in Blackwater.

Overhaul: You better be careful then. They might see this tournament as a chance to get payback against you.

Izuku: Noted!

Any other discussion was interrupted as Elias & Eis walked into the main room with 2 other people, a man and a woman. Izuku recognized them as the Heroes Red Bolt & Sunfire.

 Izuku recognized them as the Heroes Red Bolt & Sunfire

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Elias Schnee: Good Morning my charges

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Elias Schnee: Good Morning my charges. The 2 people next to me & my brother are Tetsuya "Red Bolt" Ryouta & Maxine "Sunfire" Burns. They are also the wardens of Blackwater & Kryptarium respectively.

Sunfire: We're sure you all are wondering why you all are here. Everything will be explained to you lot right now.

Red Bolt: And who better to explain it than Ultra Academy's principal, Nezu

Izuku's blood boiled and started seeing red as he watched Nezu walk into the room. Izuku soon felt a very extreme urge to kill the rat. And Izuku was not the only one who wanted to do so.

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