Act I | Ch3:Training

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Izuku: I'm back you filthy animals, no offense Chojuro.

Chimera: None taken

Rappa: So where have so been greenie? Beros said you got sent to meet the wardens

Izuku: Well...

Izuku then proceeded to tell them about his meet with the Schnee twins. How they believed him and that the evidence was apparently not that solid. He also told them about the upcoming tournament of prisoners. That got a round of exasperated groans from everyone, even the vestiges who had came out to see what all the fuss was about.

Overhaul: You're going to enter aren't you?

Before Izuku could speak, Nana & Toshinori beat him to it.

Nana: Of course he is!

Toshinori: This is possibly his only chance at becoming a free man again!

Kugo: He's not doing it. When that tournament comes around we're all sitting out of it.

Izuku: Why not?

Kugo: Because it took you 16 months to get you where you are now. Your body still hurts whenever you move, so how do you think it's going to feel when you get hit. Not to mention you're out of shape when it comes to combat.

Rappa: Then we'll train him up again!

Izuku: Ok if I can't join then why shouldn't you.

Kugo: Because nobody's waiting for me. At least not anymore I think.

Izuku: Is your family-

Kugo: No they're alive. I went out for a smoke 19 years ago and never went back inside.

Everyone looked at Nine in shock at the admission that he abandoned his family. Izuku frowned at Kugo.

Kugo: If you're looking at me like that, then I guess my wife would be looking ready to murder me. I'd be surprised if she didn't file for divorce

Toshinori: Seeing as how Young Midoriya's father left around the same time and his mother still hasn't divorced the man, you never know what might happen.

Kugo: True. Anyways lets put it to a vote then if Izuku should participate in the competition.

In Favor: Toshinori, Nana, Banjo, Yoichi, Matsuda Bakugo | Second User, Slice, Chimera, Mummy, Serpenter twins, Setsuno, Tabe, Hojo, Nemoto, Tengai, Rappa, Sakaki, Rikiya

Opposed: Kugo, Flect Turn, Stain, En, Hikage, Beros, Sidero, Hari Kurono, Joi Irinaka

Abstained: Overhaul, Isamu Mitsunami | Third User, Zephyr Coolin | Fifth User, Leviathan

Kugo grumbled in frustration as he finally relented.

Kugo: Fine, we'll help you train

Izuku nodded before turning to the others.

Izuku: Alright then, lets get this started!

Scene Change

Music: I'm at war with the world and they
Try to pull me into the dark

We see Izuku going over his training regiment with the others

Music: I struggle to find my faith
As I'm slippin' from your arms

Kugo & Stain will be his fitness trainer to keep Izuku in shape. Rappa & Chimera will teach him hand-to-hand. Mummy will train him with Eraserhead's binding cloth style. The Serpenter twins sword combat.

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