Act I | Ch2: Doctors and Wardens

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Older Izuku as Narrator

Hell. That's what I would describe the 4 months of being stuck in that bandage cocoon while my body healed. I couldn't even move because doing so even slightly would send a jolt of pain through my entire body. I spent most of that time in the vestige world talking with the past users. Nana & Toshinori both apologized to me for what had happened when I entered the world for the first time while in prison. The 2 were distraught, saddened, angry, and disappointed by what Gran Torino did. 

The second week of October was when they took of my bandages. The black skin that covered my torso were gone, but my arms were still covered in them. The lichtenberg scars got a bright blood red color to them. Turns out I underestimated how much damage Kaminari did, cause the lichtenberg scars went all the way to my legs as well. The doctors weren't sure how I could still feel my limbs let alone move them. They taught it might have been due to my quirk granting me increased durability. The doctor came in with a chart, looking at me, Nine, Flect Turn, Stain, and Overhaul. The 4 of them and their teammates had been there for me since the day I got sent to this hellhole. They would feed me, read to me, wheelchair me around the prison, etc. If it weren't for them, I would've gone insane.

Anyways, the doctor looked at us and shook her head.

Doctor: Ok, so we did some tests and it's not looking good. So lets start with the least serious problem. 

Nine: (Concerned) Is it that bad?

Doctor: (Nodding) Your arms are completely black now, sorry. Thankfully its only the top layer of skin so it can be replaced. However, we'll need to look for a skin donor since there isn't enough on your own body to replace it.

Izuku: Next.

Doctor: Your torso suffered permanent nerve damage. I'm sorry, but we can't relieve the pain you'll feel going forward.

Flect Turn: You said can't, that would imply...

Doctor: There are treatments available to mitigate the pain and make it feel like a minor body ache. But due to all the recent budget cuts on prison medical aid, there's no way for the boy to receive said treatment.

Stain: Dammit!!!

Doctor: Of course the nerves in legs are fine but they'll be extra sensitive for a while. Your arms have permanent nerve damage and you'll feel some trembling & shaking.

Izuku: Great, so I get feel like limbs are being stabbed every time I move them for the next few days.

Doctor: Yes, which brings me to the final problem.

The doctor showed us an x-ray of my back and legs

Doctor: We were able to put your spine back together but it's still weak in some places. You have fractures along your spine that'll cause pain and trouble with bending and twisting. Your legs also suffered bone fractures, torn muscles, and ripped tendons. Your knees were also very injured and likely won't allow you to move if ever. I suggest ordering a wheelchair or some crutches.

Overhaul: How about you deactivate this quirk-suppression collar on my neck for right now? I could use my quirk and fix all his injuries with just a single touch.

Doctor: While that could technically work given the mechanics of your quirk, if the Commission or the Diet got wind of this they'd most definitely rain down hell on us for allowing an S-Rank villain to use their quirk freely.

Overhaul: Well I'm out of ideas.

Izuku: Guess I'm stuck in a wheelchair forever I guess.

Nine: He'll do physical therapy

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