Act I | Ch6: The First Fight

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Izuku's POV

That first fight is one I think about even 8 years later. Agnilasa was a real pain in the ass to deal with. And that's saying something since I shared a prison with Muscular, who keeps asking for fight, and a cell with Rappa, who also keeps asking for a fight.

Anyways, I reached the gate on my side of the arena when Nezu started revealing my old stats again for some reason.

Nezu: Izuku Midoriya, serving 58 life sentences for crimes against both UA and Japan

Izuku: (Angry) I WAS FRAMED!!!

I yelled as I grabbed the gate. For a moment, Nezu and I locked eyes. Nezu soon looked back to the crowd and continued as if nothing happened.

Nezu: With a height of 5'5

Izuku: 'Add another 9 inches'

Nezu: And a weight of 145 lbs

Izuku: 'plus an extra 55 lbs of muscle from my training'

Nezu: His quirk, a strength & speed enhancer. But he can't even control it fully. A measly 20%

This time it was Toshinori who retorted

Toshinori: 'Wrong Nezu, my boy can now use 75% of the quirk plus some of the quirks of the past wielders.'

Nezu: I feel this fight will be quite the one-sided beatdown. And I will enjoy every second of watching him suffer for what he did to my wards.

Nezu and the wardens walked off to their arena suite to watch the fight. My gates opened up and I walked into the arena. The side of the audience that believed me was shocked by the scars & Lichtenberg marks I got from my former friends. I glanced at Momo & Uraraka one last time and I saw them gasp at how I looked. They had a conflicted look on their faces. I simply scoffed before turning to look at the other gate.

With Mama Inko

Nobody's POV

Inko is sitting in the living room having tea with Mitsuki & Masaru. Mitsuki was scrolling through the tv channels

Masaru: Inko, how's Izuku doing?

Inko: Honestly, I don't know. He hasn't visited me in 2 years. Whenever I call it goes straight to voicemail. I tried to go to UA but they rejected me, saying I'm not allowed to visit. Why?

Masaru: Well, whenever we see Katsuki he seems conflicted about something but doesn't say anything. And when we try to pry it from him, he seemed scared for some reason.

Mitsuki scream drew their attention as the Bakugo matriarch pointed to the tv. What they saw shocked them.

TV Nezu: Izuku Midoriya, serving 58 life sentences for crimes against both UA and Japan

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TV Nezu: Izuku Midoriya, serving 58 life sentences for crimes against both UA and Japan


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