Act I | Ch5: Let the Prison Spetz Competition Commence

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Three weeks had passed and all the prisoners were inside a stadium that looked like the one UA used for the Sports Festival, only this one was thrice the size of said stadium. The seats were filled with civilians, rich people, Pros, and Hero Students. All the teams walked out into the center of the stadium. Izuku's team was getting things thrown at them and jeers from half the audience while the other half defended and cheered for them. Izuku searched around the hero students section of the stands and he saw 2 scenes that multiplied his fury twentyfold.

 Izuku searched around the hero students section of the stands and he saw 2 scenes that multiplied his fury twentyfold

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Izuku's POV

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Izuku's POV

My vision started to turn red at the sight of my former best friends being with my ex-Fiancés. I felt my rage boiling as I clenched my fists super tight, almost drawing blood. Iida looked at me and gave me smug dumbass smirk. I was about to do something rash when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Naofumi looking at me with worry.

Naofumi: (Worried) Are you okay?

Izuku: No I'm not!

Ruby: So those 2 girls were your ex-Fiancés?

I Nodded while Naofumi patted me on the back.

Naofumi: Honestly man, you deserve better than them if fraudulent evidence is all it takes for them to turn against you.

Izuku: You're right Naofumi. Anyways do you all see people you know?

Naofumi: See that group over there? They're my teammates. The girl with the racoon ears and the girl with the crimson ponytail hair are my girlfriends.


Izuku, Naofumi, and Ruby turned to see a girl with long golden hair sitting next to a girl with black hair and cat ears. A girl that reminded Izuku of Eis, except she had white hair that was tied into a ponytail and she wore a strapless, thigh-high dress. A boy with blonde hair wearing a chest plate and elbow guards. And lastly, a girl with Pink & Brown hair and Heterochromic eyes.

Ruby: Sis!

Any further talk was halted when the wardens all appeared on a podium. Everyone became silent as Sunfire spoke up.

Sunfire: Ladies & Gentlemen, boys & girls, welcome to the 8th Prison Spetz Competition! The PSC was first established as a death match to combat overflowing prisons. The winner would be granted their freedom and be recognized as one of the toughest people alive. Over the years, the PSC has went from a solo death battle to a team-based tournament with just as much violence but without the killing. It was discontinued a few decades ago due to some of the villains rallying together and escaping, causing an massive death toll in spectators, guards, and other prisoners.

Eis: New restrictions & precautions have now been put in place to prevent that from happening again. Now without further ado, give it up UA's very own Principal Nezu!!!

The crowd went wild while my eye twitched as my anger threatened to explode out of my body and strangle the damned rat. Both Naofumi and Ruby put a hand on my shoulders to keep me from doing something stupid.

Nezu: Thank you, thank you, thank you. Good afternoon everyone, it is a great day for the world to see these scumbags get what's coming to them. But not only that, the winning team will get both $15 million USD and their freedom. 32 teams, 96 people, and only 3 of them will be victorious in this tournament. Now let's see these bastards get what's coming to them!

Everyone cheered even louder this time. If it weren't for my team, I would have jumped up to the platform and killed Nezu.

Nezu: Now the first set of battles will be 1v1 style matches. Now let us see which 2 fighters will open this tournament.

The jumbotrons started spinning like a roulette wheel and shows the first person.

Nezu: Nigrissi agnilasa, a bio geneticist serving 24 life sentences for his illegal experimentation on people

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Nezu: Nigrissi agnilasa, a bio geneticist serving 24 life sentences for his illegal experimentation on people. With a height of 5'9 and weighing over 250 lbs of pure muscle due to him altering his body, he's special in that he was born with TWO quirks. And his opponent is...

The jumbotrons spun for a few seconds before stopping. Todoroki, Momo, & Uraraka gasped in shock while Nezu, Iida, and half the audience looked in glee. Now you all might be wondering, what poor schmuck was unlucky enough to face off against that brute of a man. Well, that poor schmuck happens to be telling this story.

 Well, that poor schmuck happens to be telling this story

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Nezu: The UA Traitor, Izuku Midoriya. Serving 58 life sentences for treason, attempted murder, murder, etc.

Crowd(Evidence Believers): BOOOOO!!!

Kirishima: Kick that two-faced bastard's ass to kingdom come

Nezu: Standing at 5'5 and weighing over 145 lbs, he has a strength & Speed enhancer quirk but he might also have more due to the League giving many in exchange for his work.

I realized that the picture and info he said was before getting arrested, so they don't know how much I've changed. This could work in my favor.

The guards brought me and Agnilasa out to the arena.

Nezu: This will be completely one-sided if anyone were to ask me. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! HAHAHAHAHA!!

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