Chapter 2

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A:n Thank you for such a great response! This prompted me to write another chapter on the very same day. You guys are amazing!
After their little detour to the Royal Palace, a carriage awaited them to take the Commander and Corporal to the civil registry hall. They sat inside the ostentatiously decorated monstrosity of a vehicle in tense silence, the reality of what they were about to face becoming more solid with every sound the hooves of the Military Police horses made against the cobblestones. Of course, the King, being elated with the prospect of having Levi parade around pregnant as an example of complacency to the Crown, did not want anything to go awry to undermine the ceremony. Levi was not in a good mood. As much as he despised the idea of cramps and a distended stomach, he also hated the idea of Erwin being stuck with him, and a little brat to boot. That was what the King had been counting on, they had known it from the very moment the Decree had arrived: to render the soldiers of their Regiment incapable of causing a revolt. It was a great tactic; even Levi couldn't deny it. While the officers of the Survey Corps were busy with their respective families, they would be unable to stage a coup; besides, their families could be used as significant leverage. Even though most of these marriages would be forced, most of their men were honorable and would go to great lengths to protect the people they were responsible for.

“So… I guess now you have to get me pregnant. Great job, Erwin. Fantastic planning,” Levi drawled as he leaned back in his seat, speaking quietly, just in case even their carriage driver was working for the other side. He was no longer sure of anyone’s loyalties but that of his Squad.

Erwin frowned.

“They could have easily killed you, you know.”

“And that would definitely interfere with your plan to take this fucking government down,” Levi seethed. He hated being used as an excuse. “So while you’re out there, raising your fist and yelling out motivational bullshit, I will be sitting at home like a good old housewife and tending to your spawn.”

“I would never do that to you. We’ll find a way out of this. He gave us a year’s time. A lot can change in a year,” Erwin said tensely. He then leaned forward, urging Levi to do the same. “I think we may use this to our advantage.”

“Oh?” Levi’s eyes flashed. “How so?”

“Well, we become the token married couple, propagate for the new law, get in cozy with all the higher-ups in Sina, and maybe even–,”

“What? Gain support from the Military Police? Sit in the King’s lap while he tells us stories about the fucking sacred Walls?”

“It’s possible.” Erwin twisted his fingers together. “We only need to work out how to do it. I mean, no offense, Levi, but you’re not exactly a poster child for exemplary family life.”

“Neither are you.”


The carriage came to a halt. They had arrived.

“Just… Be likable. Look in love.” Erwin offered Levi his hand as he stepped out of the carriage, trying to make his facial expression as unreadable as possible.

“I really, really want to hurt you right now.”

The hall of ceremonies was packed with people: apparently more attendants than invitees had decided to gatecrash the wedding of the elusive Commander Erwin and the mysterious Lance Corporal Levi. The latter surveyed the audience with a look of disgust on his face that made Erwin elbow him gently in the ribs. With a sigh, Levi tugged on a smile in a way one would tug on month-old socks and proceeded to the registry table, where the Minister, clad in a traditional Wallist robe, awaited to officiate their nuptials. Levi hated this pomp. Even if he had chosen to marry one day, he would not have done it in front of hundreds of people, and definitely not with a religious fanatic presiding. He spotted his Squad in the corner; all dressed to the nines, their parade uniforms accessorized with identical looks of sympathy. Hanji had even taken the time to do they're hair. They surreptitiously flashed Levi a thumbs-up as he looked at Them and he fought the urge to sneer. Jäger and Arlert both looked slightly green. Ackerman was impassive. The rest seemed more interested in the banquet table than the proceedings, but as soon as Erwin and he stepped into full view, all eyes were directed towards them.

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