Chapter 16

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A:n This one's gonna be fluffy as fuck. Enjoy!

"Oh, he's so cute!"

"I know, right? You can tell he's going to have Eren's adorable big eyes!"

"Hey, my eyes are not adorable–,"

"And Jean's hair, definitely Jean's hair–,"

"...probably going to be a bit troublesome, just like his parents–,"


Levi turned away from the swarm surrounding Eren's hospital bed and heaved a sigh. Hanji had kept visitation restricted for several days, to prevent Eren or the child from contracting any sort of disease, and to allow both of them to rest after the difficult birth process. Who would give me time to rest? Levi thought testily. After their more than revealing conversation, he and Erwin had gone to bed without addressing their issues, and the silent tension between them was so palpable that it seemed even the Titans outside could feel it. Not that Levi was much of a talker, he enjoyed the slow torture of having his feelings repressed most of the time, but Erwin was usually insistent on communication, so it was indeed surprising that the man fell silent whenever Levi entered the room. The two slept in the same bed and ate at the same table, but the Titan in the room was so obvious that most of their comrades attempted to avoid their company for the sake of easing the awkwardness. It didn't help, of course.

The former Corporal had no idea where to go from where Erwin and he were now. On the one hand, Erwin had confessed his... feelings for him in the most explicit manner possible. On the other, Erwin had also lied. Levi had entered this arrangement with the sincere belief that neither of them held any sort of emotional attachment to each other that went beyond close friendship; yet, now he thought that it wasn't just Erwin who had lied. Perhaps he had been avoiding such thoughts about his Commander if only because he had thought anything more between them was out of the question. Now, though, he felt as if he had to make a choice. And he sucked at making decisions he wouldn't come to regret.

"Hey, Corporal!"

Levi looked up from his studious examinations of the scratches on the wooden floor of the ward to see the crowd part and Eren wave at him to come closer. With a sigh, he pushed himself off the table he had been leaning against.

"What is it, brat?" He asked. "And I'm not your Corporal anymore."

"Says who?" Eren teased, and Levi allowed him that since Hanji had been adamant on the new mother avoiding stress. "You'll always be our Corporal."

Levi felt his face heat up as several nods followed Eren's words. Fuck, don't make me think about it more than I have to. The rush he had felt when he'd gone off on his own to kill the Titans when they had invaded the castle had left a horrible, sucking void in his chest. He missed it; he missed being Corporal Levi, Humanity's Strongest. Now he was Levi Smith, Humanity's Most Pregnant.

"What do you want, Kirschtein?" Levi asked, not really knowing which one of the two he was addressing. Eren and Jean had grown impossibly close, which posed a threat as the two were immature teenagers caught in a series of unfortunate events. They managed to navigate the dangers, however, and the entire Survey Corps was surprised by the small number of arguments they had had... At least, in public.

"Would you like to hold him?" Eren offered, eyes wide and enthusiastic.

Levi stopped in his tracks. He gulped. He looked around at the expectant faces of his comrades and felt a tiny droplet of sweat make its way down his temple.

"I don't think this is a good idea, Eren," he murmured.

"Nonsense!" Hanji appeared out of nowhere, carrying a tray laden with food, intended for Eren and the child. "Now, how will you know how to handle your own if you haven't even held a baby in your entire lifetime?"

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