Chapter 12

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A:n here you go guys sorry it took so long i was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.

As they fell back into their routine uneasily, Levi slowly began to realize that this was how things would remain until they found a way out. Hope for this, however, was diminishing quickly, as he was now several months along, and the safe term for aborting the child had long passed. The thought did not bring him as much anguish as it did unease. After all, who was he to kill something Erwin and him both had had a hand (and other unmentionable body parts) in creating? He had come to terms with the fact that the brat was theirs, absolutely and irrevocably so, which meant that their shoulders would soon hold the responsibility of parenthood – not that they weren't already sort of like parents to the entire Survey Corps.

One night, a couple of weeks after their uneasy truce, Levi found himself lying in bed with Erwin sifting through his paperwork next to him. The older man had taken to doing work while Levi unwound after a long day, and though Levi did not approve of taking work to bed, he allowed Erwin his little liberties. Every time he opened his mouth to complain, he would remind himself of the repercussions the last time he had brought about. So he kept it to himself. After all, there was no point in arguing over something as trivial as this.

Erwin laid aside the papers, looking to Levi. His spouse now slept on his side mostly, as the growing stomach caused difficulties otherwise. The Commander's gaze slipped to said stomach, whose outlines were visible despite the oversized shirt Levi wore to sleep.

"How are you feeling?"

"It hasn't moved yet if that's what your asking," Levi replied quietly. Erwin had been asking him about it for several days now, and every time Levi had felt guilty for giving a negative response. It was high time for the baby to start claiming its existence, and yet the former Corporal had felt nothing. He would not admit to himself that he was beginning to worry – Erwin did enough of that on his own.

"I am asking how you are feeling," Erwin emphasized, drawing a look of surprise from his bonded. "I know you will tell me when the baby starts moving."

Levi hummed. "I'm fine. Except for, you know, running to the bathroom every other second, and not being able to fit into any of my old clothing, I'm peachy."

Erwin gave him a frown in response. "I'm sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry for. We discussed this," Levi said shortly. Erwin sighed in resignation and reached for the top paper on his bedside table.

"I was waiting for the right moment to give you this, but since there seems to be no right time for the two of us, you might as well have it."

Levi reached for the paper, his chest tight. When Erwin put it that way, it was as if they had never had a good second in their lives. Perhaps that was true, but part of Levi lamented their shared past, as their shared present seemed like complete drudgery. Those old days had been what had made them, as Commander and Corporal. It was like Eren had told him, out there, beyond the Walls, they had been unstoppable. That was the only thing they could ground their relationship on, and Levi would be damned if he allowed the recent events to erase it.

His eyes dropped down to read what was written on the paper, widening as he realized what it was.

"Erwin, this..."

"A confidential report filed to the heads of all the regiments regarding the detainment and arrest of a dangerous criminal. An anonymous source apparently tipped the Military Police off, saying he had material that evidenced the preparation of a coup d'etat in his possession. A quick search through his personal effects confirmed the fact," Erwin said, expression guarded as he awaited Levi's reaction. The younger man kept staring at the paper, vision blurry. He let go of the missive, allowing it to fall onto the sheet, and only looked at Erwin's side, teeth digging into his bottom lip.

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