Chapter 5

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As a month drudged by slowly, the newly-formed Smith dyad established a sort of routine. Levi reckoned it was a defense mechanism, more than a need for keeping to the schedule. If they followed a particular pattern of behavior, they were predictable. They were almost as usual, despite their new circumstances. Every day, Erwin would wake up and leave before Levi did. He never had breakfast in his quarters, opting instead to sit with the soldiers and discuss the daily agenda with his Squad Leaders. Levi would follow him out of bed shortly after and enjoy a brief but much-needed personal shower. He had given up on trying to make food appear in Erwin's kitchenette, and resorted to going to the canteen for breakfast. He would slide into the empty seat on Erwin's left every morning, muttering a greeting to his husband and Hanji, and then proceed to eat quickly, without paying much attention to the idle conversation that came inevitably after the plans were finalized.

“So, are you looking forward?”

“Hm?” Levi looked up from his plate to see Hanji stare at him expectantly, they're creepy gaze fixated on his face with sick enthusiasm that Levi knew did not bode well for him.

“I said, are you looking forward to wining and dining with the higher-ups?”

"What do you mean?" A cold feeling of dread flooded his insides, and he turned to look at Erwin, who only smiled apologetically at him. Erwin was apologetic all the time, and it was becoming quite irritating to his new spouse. Whenever a conflict arose concerning their marriage, Erwin would immediately look like a misbehaving puppy awaiting punishment. Levi had given up on admonishing him or trying to change the attitude the older man had towards their marriage, so he just resolved not to allow this to sway him.

“Well, apparently, the King himself and the Commanders of other Regiments are inviting you to Wall Sina for some R&R,” Hanji said, looking up at Erwin for confirmation. The man nodded briefly, studying Levi’s face.

"Let me guess, I have to be your sour arm-candy for the night?" Levi was definitely not happy with the development. Not only had his marriage ceremony been turned into a shameful display of gaudy wealth and make-believe subordination, but he was also now forced to attend parties and dinners, playing the part of the good little wife. Erwin nodded again.

“I’m sorry,” he offered.

“Stop being fucking sorry. I’m sick of it,” Levi said sharply. He immediately felt guilty for putting it this way as Erwin’s gaze shuttered. The blond leaned back away from him.

“I know you hate these kinds of functions.”

“I agreed to this. I should be able to handle the consequences,” Levi dismissed. “Will I get to wear another ridiculously expensive outfit that will potentially make me lunch should the Titans show up?”

“Of course. The King has already sent the clothes we are to wear, made by his own personal tailor. Golden threads and pins and all.”

“I feel so important, I’m almost Eren Jäger,” Levi said, acid dripping from every word. Further down at the table, Eren uttered an indignant hey! while Kirschtein struggled to suppress his laughter. Levi let his eyes slide over the two of them. It was worrisome that Kirschtein still did not have a potential bride, despite the fact that he was soon nearing eighteen. Levi had supposed he’d go with Jäger’s adopted sister, but the more he observed the soldier, the more he realized that Kirschtein’s feeble attempts at flirting and showing off in front of her was just something he did more out of habit than any real kind of mating behavior. His eyes widened when he saw Kirschtein suddenly put his hand on top of Jäger’s casually, and keep it there, instead of brushing it off as incidental contact. Interesting, he mused to himself. He turned back to his conversation with Hanji and Erwin, only to catch the Commander's eye and see the small knowing smile play on his lips. So he wasn't wrong about his presumption regarding Jean and Eren. Perhaps there was still hope for Levi Smith in terms of interpersonal sensitivity.

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