Chapter 10

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A:n Thank you so much for the great reviews you've given me! Please don't hate Erwin, I think he needs a little wake-up call, and that is about to come... This was edited in a hurry, so pardon any mistakes, please!

Levi stuck to his word: he continued taking care of himself, feeding and keeping Erwin's future brat warm. Though now he did it without Erwin around – he had refused to see his husband ever since their fight, and he had come to the conclusion that his state of mind was better when Erwin wasn't around. After all, Hanji had told him to avoid stress, and Erwin was nothing if not stressful. The former Corporal admitted that he had been a bit too harsh, perhaps. He had injured Erwin where it hurt the most – the man's integrity. Erwin believed himself to be a moral person, full of shitty values and standards that Levi couldn't give a damn about, and to accuse him of something as lowly as being now good as the animals Levi had taken on in the Underground was an insult that could not be forgiven easily. Levi stood by it, however. He was not going to be treated like a trophy wife. Like a bloody carrier for this little germ that ate away at his mind and body.

"I think that's a good name for you, you pest. Tumor. Tumor Smith. It has quite a ring to it, don't you think? Levi asked his stomach, feeling foolish for talking to a bloody fetus that had no idea what kind of monstrous world it would be born into. That was another matter that weighed on Levi's mind: he was going to become a murderer as soon as he would become a parent. The kid was unlikely to survive in this bloody mess, with Erwin running around on missions and Levi being incapable of lifting a finger to protect himself and the child. They were all going to be eaten eventually, he knew, and this kid would become another pointless death among the many Erwin and him had been responsible for throughout their military careers. "I bet you'll hate your mommy for doing this to you. Wait till you see the other asshole."

Levi spent his days in the stables, sometimes leaving to get food from the canteen. Several times, Eren had attempted to visit him, and the former Corporal had accepted his company – until the day had come when Eren had arrived with a guilty look on his face and a missive from Erwin clutched tightly in his hand. Levi had tried to be as gentle as possible when telling the kid to piss off – after all, he was in the same delicate condition as himself. Both of them were already beginning to show, and thankfully, the morning sickness had receded, making their days more bearable. Not that Eren had anything to bear necessarily: Jean had turned from a self-centered ass into the most lovingly doting father-to-be. And not in the non-genuine way Erwin had done: Levi could see he was really concerned about Eren's wellbeing and the Titan shifter took it in his stride, accepting Jean's attentions.

He sat down on his makeshift cot as he opened the letter.

My Levi. He snorted to himself, his fingers tightening over the paper in his hand. Just because Erwin had impregnated him with his spawn, he was nowhere near staking his claim on the younger man.

I am writing to you out of dire need. Because he would never write for another reason, given the fact that Levi had damaged his fucking pride.

The King, it seems, is joyful beyond imagination by the fact of your pregnancy. He wants to organize a ball in your honor. Needless to say, your attendance by my side is mandatory. I would not be asking this of you if our lives did not depend on it.

The carriage will come for us on the 20th, at the eighth hour. Please be punctual. Your attire will be delivered to your new dwelling place tomorrow.

Erwin Smith, 13th Commander of the Survey Corps.

Levi looked at the written lines humorlessly as he went over them in his head. A fucking ball. Having to waltz around and kiss ass for Erwin's sake yet again. The letter wasn't even an invitation, nor a hint at one. The letter was an order. An order from a Commander to his subordinate. Pity Erwin hadn't been bothered to remember the fact that Levi was technically no longer part of the Survey Corps. Which made his orders more intimate: as a husband to his recalcitrant spouse. The thought of following Erwin around made Levi sick.

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