027: Hopefully Back To Normal.

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Two weeks later

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Two weeks later.

Suzy could barely see where she was walking as her hands were filled with bags of food and decorations. She struggled to see anything but hoped she was able to make it since she was right in front of Sunwoo's building.

Unfortunately, she was wrong.
The girl suddenly tripped and the bags fell to the ground. A groan left her mouth at the pain she felt in her knees since they hit the hard ground too.

"Are you ok?" She heard a female voice and glanced up with a frown on her face. Her eyes widened when she saw Heemin leaning over her.

The girl reached her hand out, wanting to pull Suzy up. She grabbed it hesitantly, thanking her for the help.

Heemin smiled softly and bended down to help her pick up the bags. She noticed what was inside of them and chuckled. "Are you throwing a party?"

"Yeah, it's Sunwoo's birthday." Suzy grabbed the remaining bags and the other girl nodded.

Suzy reached her hand to take the rest of bags from Heemin but she chuckled. "I don't think you can manage taking them all upstairs alone."

The short haired girl was dumbfounded as she watched Heemin hold the door open for her. She couldn't help but smile, thinking that maybe she wasn't mad at her anymore and things could slowly go back to normal.

The elevator ride was filled with silence at first but there was no bad aura around the two. "Why didn't Sunwoo help you with all that?" Heemin raised a brow.

"He's at work. It's a surprise party, Jacob and Eric will be here soon to help."

"So, you already have the keys to his house? Sounds pretty serious."

Suzy chuckled as blush covered her cheeks.

Heemin sighed. "That's good."

The other girl glanced at her best friend smiling a little as she had her eyes locked on the nothingness of the elevator door.

Suzy unlocked the apartment and left the door wide open, inviting the other girl in. She walked behind her hesitantly and closed the door. After putting the bags down, she was ready to turn back on her heel and leave.

"Heemin-ah." Suzy blurted out and looked at her with a small smile. "How are you?"

The girl sighed and took a second to answer. "I'm ok. Been better though."

Suzy nodded, understanding. She hesitated if to even ask the next question but her curiousness was too strong. "And how's.. um.." She cleared her throat.

"Younghoon?" Heemin chuckled at how Suzy seemed afraid to even say him name out loud, like he was Voldemort or something. "He's much better than the last time you saw him."

The blushed girl smiled awkwardly and nodded.

"I should get going."

"Oh, yeah, sure." Suzy walked her to the door. Heemin waved and went towards her apartment. "Heemin," She turned around upon hearing her name. "If you'll feel like it, you can come over too. Younghoon as well."

Heemin cracked a smile and walked inside her apartment - not agreeing nor rejecting the proposition.

Suzy was about to close the door as well when the elevator door suddenly opened. "Oh! You're here!" She said excitedly and Eric and Jacob both furrowed their eyebrows.

"Someone's in a good mood?" Eric teased and the girl just hugged them both, confusing them even more but they liked that version of her.

"Come on guys, let's prepare everything!" She clapped her hands and almost ran towards the kitchen.

When the two followed her, Eric glanced down and noticed blood on her knee. "Suzy, you're bleeding."


"Your knee." He pointed.

"Oh? It's nothing." She brushed it off, taking the grocery out on the counter as fast as she could like she was racing someone.

Eric grabbed her by the arms and pulled her towards a seat. She sighed and whined "I'm fine, it's nothing!"

The boy sat her down anyways. "I don't know why you're so hyper right now but take a breather for a second and let me clean this for you. You don't want it to be infected, do you?"

She sighed and nodded, letting the boy help.

Jacob handed Eric an ointment and bandaid and the boy immediately took care of Suzy's knee, leaving to ask where she got it from for later.

She couldn't believe how sweet both him and Jacob were and how quickly she bonded with them. And it was all thanks to Sunwoo, whom she wanted to throw the best surprise party for.

 And it was all thanks to Sunwoo, whom she wanted to throw the best surprise party for

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suzy and heemin comeback? 🥺
& eric proving once more he's just perfect

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