Ep 9- Not me

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Aera- What are you all doing here??

Tae- We are here to talk with you.

Aera- I don't want to. I want to sleep.

Suga- Hey don't lie. You are sleeping from morning and now you would not be able to sleep the whole night.

Aera- Sorry to tell but I can sleep right away.

Jin- It is ok princess but please have food first.

Aera- Ohh so you surely had planned my murder.

Jimin- Aish! you know what keep quiet and eat food without a word.

She did it and they started to feed her. After that she was about to get up but held by a hand. She looked there to see JK he just pulled her and made her sit on his lap.

Aera- Leave me.

JK- Hey let's be in this position for a while it is comfortable.

J-hope- Can I ask you something??

Aera- And if I say no.

J-hope- Ok so when did you get to your different personality??

Aera- When I went behind Suga. I just get a headache and then I was behaving childish.

Namjoon- It is not childish it is cute.

Aera- Yeah whatever.

Suga- Since you get your sence back you did not call us Oppa like you did back then.

Aera- Well I am still not sure.

Jin- It is ok, take your time but when we are infront of someone then call us oppa cause you are young and if you do not respect us then they will think you are just a indisciplined girl.

Aera- Ok.

She said and then felt a little comfy. She put her head a little back just to lean on another shoulder and saw that it was Taehyung. She was about to pull her head back but she felt his hand place it back.

Aera- Why are you all not good to Jane?

Suga- Cause she is bad.

Aera-  But I am worth less. She---

JK- How much you hate others??

Aera- If I think it now, I do not hate anyone but just myself.

She said releasing a breath she didn't know she was holding. She never get to talk with someone like this. The way they want to know about her, it remind her of her father.

Aera- You know what you are too much good.

Jimin- Then why you never call us oppa??

Aera- Cause I think you deserve better.

Jin- Hey you are the best for us. We can never have better then you.

Aera- You know what I saw you beat that boy. Last time when he was smuggling drugs,  you were hurting him for that.

Suga- Yeah but why did you ask??

Aera- In morning when we bumped into eachother you were going to him right.

Jin- Y-yes.

Aera- Why were you doing this??

Taehyung- Cause we do not like those things which are bad.

Aera- Can you do something for me??

J-hope- Just ask princess.

Aera- Can you hate me?

She said still cold but this time calm. Her eyes had water in it.

Jin- W-we can n-not do t-that. Can't You understand.

Aera- I just don't want someone to leave me again. I do not want to get attached with you, so that if you leave me then it may not give me pain.

Jimin- We will..... We will never leave you and that is a promise.

Aera- I don't trust you, cause already a lot of people have broken promise together with my trust. I have become heartless.

J-hope- You just think that but the truth is that you are like an angle.

Aera- Ok I think I can not convince you ,why don't  you talk, I will just listen.

She said and lean further to Taehyung lap. Her eyes were open and Namjoon was just moving his hand on her hair giving her a little peace. The only thing which came in her mind was they talk a lot. But this is comforting. Some time later suddenly Jin ask her something.

Jin- Hey what dress will you choose for wedding??

Aera- Anything.

Jimin- Hey come on and also one more thing, the dress you wore on party was so normal.

Taehyung- About that do you apply make up on your hands.

Aera- Why??

Taehyung- Remember you hug us, that time a little tint of foundation was left on my coat and that was of hand.

Aera- Yeah I did.

J-hope- Well tell me one more thing. You wore make up at school and at party to hide your beautiful face.

Aera- Yeah.

JK- Why??

Aera- It is just that..... It is just that.....

She was again going to say same well BTS notice her discomfort and said.

Namjoon- If you are not ok then there is no need to force yourself.

Aera- Ummmm......... Let's sleep.

She said and tried to get up but JK pulled her down on bed together with him and Tae.

Aera- What??

Tae- Quite down and sleep or else I will be scared.

Aera- Of what??

Jimin- Ofcourse of your cold voice.

He said laying down next and soon Jin and Namjoon joined.

Suga- I would love to but I love my sleep so I will take it pleasantly in my room.

J-hope- And dad doesn't think that we are not treating Jane well so I will go to her. Bye guys goodnight.

BTS Else then J-hope- Good night.

They all look at Aera but saw she was  already sleeping.

Jimin- She is just Suga hyung sister.

Tae- Yeah like a cat.

Suga- I am still here.

Tae- I am not scared.

Saying that he hugged Aera tight and his plan worked. Actually according to him Suga will not hit him cause what if Aera wake up.

Aera- Ummmmm........ Hurts.

She said cause of the thight hug and then Taehyung loose his grip.

J-hope Point Of View

Well now I am standing infront of Jane room and then knocked on it three times but she didn't open. So I just sighed in satisfaction and then left happily jumping here and there in my way.

Next Morning

No one was up by now but I hear a loud noise.

??- Wake up Aera!!

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