capter 4 - the truth of ink

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(Ink pov)   I was doing what I usually do at the base where me and my friend hang out and talked about other sans aus and how we are going to control are fellen form. Dream and Blue knew i was emotionless and they were fine with it and i'm happy about that, they told me that I don't have to take my vails if i don't feel like it. I only don't take my vils when i'm not feeling good or i'm in a bad mood and dream and blue understand that much about me and i even told them about my au and how its just black and white but i don't know that yet i haven't been there in years and they also know that i don't have a soul and they ok with that so i know i can trust them with my secrets and they can trust me with their secrets.

(Killer and error pov) nightmare had told both of us that ink wa still at the star sans base sense me an dkiller were both invisible we both went in the star sanses base and what we saw what the inside looked like me and killer freaked the fucked out becuse the outsside of the base looked small and the indide was so big. Killer and i walk inside of the star base the inside of there base was black and red in the other room or a tan color we thought that their base was going to look colorful but it was actually a dark and gloomy place and base.Ink had finally left the stars base so me and error followed him, and ink had said time to go take a look at my  au and see if it changed at all.

(Ink pov) I was getting ready to make a portal to go to my au and was scared to even think that it would change to a colorful place and still not be black and white but I made the portal, walked through it and entered my au inktale after a long time. I was surprised to see it colorful but I wanted to see if my brother's papyrus was there and it seems almost everyone in inktale forgot who I was since I left before it was finished. My crotor kept giving up on me and my au. I was tired of it and so I left. I went to go find my brother and I found him. He was so happy to see me he thought i had died and he wasn't going to see me again and he asked me why i had so many colors because everybody was picked out to have different skills and color to their character.

(Error and killer pov) me and killer had to hurry up in jump into ink portal we had followed ink to a au that had a question mark on it he walk into that au and so did we then me and killer finally realized we were in ink au inktale we had saw that he saw his brother and his brother said i thought you were dead you been gone for so long and he also said why he was so colorful because he remenderd ink being all black and white and the only monster that had emotion at the time because you know that are crotor kept giving up on us and forgetting about us then he come back to finish his drawing and so we are today in a colorful world.

(Ink pov) when my brother said now we are in a colorful world. I almost laughed like a psycho path. It was all so funny but I left and went to mine and papyrus house and he almost had me happy but are house was so colorful it needed to be black with some spray paint on the walls. Painting the wall black with some spray paint it was a lot more my style then I woke up to a loud bang with people screaming and shouting my name. I know they are going to take me to me but I don't care i dont have any emotion for me to feel anything except when I take my viles.

(Error pov) killer and i was signed to follow ink around to see if he was hiding anything and when his brother was talking to him i swear that i almost saw ink smile and laugh at what his brother was telling him about his au. But this is my first time going to inktale. I mean it's reasonable it's not on the au list that been cheated through the years and it sayed inktale was destroyed but here it is right in front of me but I know the creator of aus are hiding something like the star sans. Like when blue called out ( code black ) it brings dreams back to their base.

(Killer pov) error and I had been following dream for a 1hr and it was getting really hard to look at his au. I wonder what (cross and nightmare) had seen when they were with dream and (horror and dust ) saw with blue but we will all know what each other saw when we get back tomorrow because we have been spying on the star sans all we and we have to talk about what we absorbed about them.

(ink pov) I was in my room and my eyes were changing colors and most of my marks on my face were popping up. Each time I get hurt my wounds turn black then my eyes change depending on which au i'm in. i had visited the people of my au and everyone hated me for some reason. I got hit by everyone and they made me bleed and it hurt. I was dripping black blood everywhere and my eyes were about to change into the true me, the emotionless me that doesnt care for anything but I had to hold back what I really wanted to do to everyone.  I went to my house and summoned an inktale file in my hands. i wanted it to die so i took the paper a was able to tare it a little bit before papury barged into my room an dstoped me and took me outside, but most of all i wanted my brother dead i was fine being alone and i was able to get alot done and now that i am here with papyrus he is a huge derstion. Now I see why almost every au that has a papyrus is really lazy or trys to hide from them and puts on a mask like the organelle sans he is really strong but is lazy. Blue doesn't count in this because his papery turned him into this but i'm happy we got blue and i'm happy we were all fellen and became the fallen star sanses and we all get along alot more now.

(Error and killer pov) we saw how ink was getting really mad a papursy and how everyone was hurting him and he started to bleed black stuff but the most surprising thing it that ink went to his room and someded a paper that had his au on it and he started to tear it a little bit before his brother come to his room and dragged him out so me and killer went to see what ink had dorp on his floor and we were surprised that it was his au and he started to tear it up. Keller looked at error and said do you think he wanted to destroy his own universe that not what ink supposed to do he a creator of au not a  destoner like you are error i know right but today is the last day of spying on the star sans and we meet up with the others they next day and we share information about what we observed abot them so let's get some sleep.

                        The next day

All the bad sans were heading back from their mission back to their base dust and horror came back depressed and scared. Nightmare and cross come back shocked and surprised and error and killer came back with axioned look and also surprised. The bad sans meet up at their meeting room in their base everyone sat down but they were missing to people and that was dust and horror everyone was wondering what took them so long so come back to the base. Dust and horror  knew they were late but they were stopped by blue who had a phone call and  blue said they will call you when we are in trouble and when we are about to die and after that blue hung up the phone and horror and dust finally arrived at the base and went into the meeting room and and they said sorry were lat boss we got stopped by a phone call that blue had taken.

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