Chapter 1

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"I hope you enjoy the book! Come again!" I smile as the customer leaves the store. I wish more people would come by. No one here likes to read. I sigh at my thoughts and open up the book I am reading. 

Just as I start my book I hear the bells at the door jingle. I immediately set down my book and look up. I smile at the new customer. When I see who is actually standing there, my smile falters. "Oh. Mabel, what are you doing here?" I look at her cautiously and cross my arms.

She flashes me one of her famous smiles. "Dipper! My favorite brother. Pacifica is throwing one of her parties and of course I am invited, like normal, and I wanted to ask if you can take my shift tonight?" I look at Mabel and scoff. "Are you serious? It has been a week since we have seen each other, and this is all you have to say to me?"

 Mabel's fake smile immediately disappears. "You are so annoying Dip-Shit. You know that?" She sighs. "You know it's not like you have a choice. I'll just get Stan to make you." I stare at Mabel in shock. "So, I need you to get ther-" Mabel is cut off by loud screams outside. 

We both look out the widow and see smoke in the air. I stand there in shock. What the hell is going on? "Dipper what are you doing? Come on, we need to go see what's happening!" I look at her with furrowed brows.

"You want us to run straight into the chaos?" Mabel runs to the door, ignoring me. She looks at me and beckons me to follow her. 

Reluctantly, I grab my sword that I keep hidden underneath the counter and I follow her to town square, where all the screaming and smoke are coming from. We sprint as fast as we can. When we reach town square we slow down and really look around to see what is happening. 

Multiple buildings are on fire. Pirates are taking people out of their homes and dragging them so they are in front of the mid-town stage. On stage, we see someone tied up  I focus more on that person and realize it's Great Uncle Ford! 

Great Uncle Ford has a gag in his mouth and is bound to the stage. Gruncle Stan is tied up next to him. Standing next to both of them is a pirate. 

This pirate has pale skin, with short blonde hair. He has a piercing blue eye. The other eye is covered up with an eyepatch. He is wearing a pirate hat with golden embroidery all over it. The hat matches the coat he's wearing. He is also wearing multiple rings, black trousers, and black boots. He is smirking while commanding orders to the other pirates. 

He must be the pirate captain. I stare at him and bite my lip. How are we going to get them away from him? "Dipper, come here." Mabel whisper yells at me. I come closer and she yanks me closer to her and whispers in my ear. "I can not get caught by them Dipper. Let's watch from above." She points at the roof of a building. I nod and we run over to the building staying out of sight. We go inside and sprint up the stairs of the two story building. 

Mabel and I sit up there for about thirty minutes watching pirates drag all the Gravity Falls' residents and I mean all the residents to town square. I mean the Northwest family have been dragged out of their mansion. "Is this everyone?" The presumed pirate captain yells out from the stage. A pirate with blue hair responds to him. "We believe so Captain." 

Bill smirks. "Hello Gravity Falls. I am here today because of ole Sixer here." He jesters to Ford."I know you all are wondering who I am. Well, I'm Bill Cipher, Captain of the Sea Demons." He smirks as multiple gasp are heard throughout the townspeople. "Today, I will take Sixer's life for wronging me in one of the worst ways." Bill lifts up his sword showing it to the audience.  I slowly stand up. 'No, he can't!' 

"Dipper, what the hell are you doing. They will see you if you stand up."  I ignore her and run over to the door, and run down the stairs. I hear Mabel call after me, but I ignore her and keep running. 

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