Chapter 7

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I watched the sun go below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the deck as the crew gathered around the table for dinner. 

I took a seat beside Will, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves fluttering in my stomach. Bill sits across from me. This will be my first real adventure with the crew.

As Bill gets into another of his tales, I listened  hanging onto his every word. The stories were like windows into a world I had only ever read about, filled with danger and excitement. Will chuckled at some of Bill's more outrageous embellishments, his easy smile putting me at ease.

"Remember the time we stumbled upon that hidden treasure in the caves of Cortonia?" Bill exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he gestured animatedly with his spoon. Tad chuckles. "How could I forget?"

Without a second thought, I noticed the tension in Will's shoulders, a furrow creasing his brow. 

 Aw he's thinking about this leader again. I sigh in thought, but then grin. I jumped up from my seat and leaped onto Will's back, wrapping my arms around his neck in a tight hug.

"Come on, Blueberry! No time for frowns when there's an island to explore! Who knows, we might even find treasure!" I cheered, my excitement infectious.

Will's surprise quickly melted into laughter, and he reached up to hug me back. "You're right, Dip. Let's find ourselves some treasure!"

Later that night, as we retired to our shared cabin, the laughter lingered in the air like a comforting blanket. Bill and I joked and teased each other mercilessly as we prepared for bed, our banter echoing off the walls. Despite my nerves, I couldn't help but smile at the way Bill treats me. I think I really do love him. 

The next morning dawned bright and clear, the promise of adventure hanging in the air.  Bill and I were up early, enjoying a quick breakfast together in the galley. We both listened with interest as we talk about ourselves. Will and Tad joined us later. 

A shout from the lookout interrupted our conversation. "Land ahoy!" Bill kisses my forehead, and gets up to give commands. My heart leaped with excitement at the idea of exploring the hidden town, but when I glanced at Will, I noticed the tension in his shoulders, a furrow creasing his brow.

Without hesitation, I bounded over to his side and threw an arm around his shoulders, offering a reassuring squeeze. "You okay, Will?" I asked, my voice filled with genuine concern.

Will's smile wavered slightly, but he nodded. "Just a little nervous about going back to the town. But with you guys by my side, I know everything will be fine, and even if it's not, we will get through it."

I wanted to say something to reassure him, but before I could, Will's expression brightened, and he launched into a joke, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he sees Tad passing by us with his tea. 

"Tad remember that time you spilled your tea all over Bill during our visit to Port Royale?" Will said, a grin spreading across his face as he looked at me. "I genuinely thought Bill was going to make him walk the plank!"

Tad shot Will a mock glare. "It was an accident, I'll have you know," he said, a hint of indignation in his voice.

I grinned at the playful banter. I love these guys so much. Whatever lay ahead, I knew we would face it together, just like we always did.

As Will's joke broke the tension, the atmosphere lightened, and laughter echoed across the deck. Even Tad couldn't help but chuckle at the memory, his mock indignation quickly melting into a smile.

"Ah, good times," Bill chimed in, his grin widening as he remembered the incident. He wrapped his arms around me and placed his head on my shoulder. I lean my head back onto him. 

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