Chapter 12

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"I mean, just look at this place!" Tad exclaimed, breaking the peace that had settled over us. "It's like paradise! Are we sure we're not in some hidden magical realm?" He took a sip of his tea, eyes wide with excitement.

I smiled at his enthusiasm, glancing around at the picturesque scene. The sun sparkled on the lake's surface, reflecting hues of blue and gold. "I'd say it's more like a really nice vacation spot."

Bill chuckled softly, but his gaze swept the area, clearly on guard. "Well, if this is a magical realm, let's hope it stays that way."

As we enjoy the view of the lake, a gentle ripple caught our attention. "What's that?" Will pointed, narrowing his eyes at a shimmer just beneath the surface.

I scoot closer, curiosity piqued. Before I could get any closer, a stunning creature emerged from the water—a blend between a griffin and a water spirit, with feathers that glimmered in shades of turquoise and silver. Its body glowed softly, changing colors with emotions, casting a serene light all around it.

"Wow," I whispered, entranced by its beauty. But as it approached, I felt a wave of unease. "Uh, guys?"

Tad leaned in, his eyes wide with concern. "Keep your space!"

Before I could respond, the creature lunged forward, its large eyes sparkling with innocent curiosity. Bill instantly wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close, his presence a shield against the unknown. The creature stopped, hesitating as if sensing the tension in the air.

I hesitantly held out a hand, my heart racing. To my surprise, the creature took a step closer, bowing its head gracefully before me. "Whoa, wait. You don't have to bow—"

I dropped to my knees, feeling that this display of submission was too much. But the creature only nuzzled against me, its soft feathers brushing against my skin. Laughter bubbled up as I felt its warmth enveloping me.

Tad and Will exchanged amazed glances, their initial worry fading into awe. "It's so cute!" Will breathed, completely captivated.

But then, in one swift motion, Ripple— I named for its shimmering, water-like form—playfully dragged me into the water, and a gasp of alarm shot through the group.




My friends and lover shouted in unison, panic lacing their voices.

Bill glowed a fierce red for a split second, his instinct to protect surging forth. "Love, are you okay?" he called, eyes locked on the splashing water, ready to dive in if needed.

Then, from beneath the surface, I broke into laughter, my joy echoing across the lake as Ripple swirled around me, splashing playfully. The sight of me enjoying the moment eased their worries, but Bill's gaze remained intense.

"What is that creature?" Will asked, his voice a mix of fascination and concern.

Tad's eyes lit up with recognition. "I remember! That's a water nymph griffin! They're known to reveal themselves only to those with kind souls. They form deep attachments and usually bow to someone they accept as their own."

"Wait, are you saying it's chosen PineTree?" Bill asked, still tense but intrigued.

"Exactly! It's one in a billion that they bow like that. It means Dipper proved himself worthy with his soul. They see straight to who you are on the inside."

I surfaced again, beaming at my friends. "It's so friendly! Look at it!" Ripple circled around me, the glow from its feathers brightening with happiness.

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