Chapter 2

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I wake up and am hit with a harsh pounding in my head. I groan at the pain and lean my head back into the...pillow? I slowly take in my surrounds. 'Where am I? Oh, that's right the deal.' I immediately sit up. As I sit up, my movement is restricted. I look down and notice my arms are tied to the bed frame behind me. I take a deep breath to calm myself down and look around the room. 

I am tied to a decent sized bed with black sheets, and a golden comforter. I continue looking around the room. To my right, there is a wooden desk. The desk is covered in papers, books, and ink a quill sitting on top of it. There is also a wooden chair that is placed at the desk.

The room has a closet as well. The closet door is opened ajar and I look through the gap. I see multiple outfits similar to the one Bill wore when he was in Gravity Falls.

There is carpet on the ground and unsurprisingly it's gold. It leads from the closet to another door, mostly likely the exit. Left to the bed is a nightstand. On the nightstand are pills and a cup of water.

After observing the room, I start to focus on how my arms are tied. Its getting  really uncomfortable. I try wiggling out of the ropes. Nope. Next, I try yanking. No good either. I sigh.

I sit there for a few minutes thinking on how to get out of the ropes. I continue planning until the door slams wide open. I jump back in surprised and all my thoughts leave me. Bill trudges into the room. He looks over at me and smirks wide. "Pinetree! You're awake. Good." I stare at him intimidated. "Why am I t-tied up." I look up at him with wide, fearful, eyes.

He smirks at me. "So you wouldn't try to run away. But even if you did run away, you wouldn't go far." He snaps his fingers and the ropes tying my arms burn with blue flames. I flinch and squeeze my eyes shut thinking it will burn me, but instead of burning I feel an oddly cold sensation from where the flames touch my skin. My eyes open widen and I stare at the flames in fascination.

Bill snickers at my reaction. When the ropes burn away, I grab my wrist and rub them. "I assume you have a headache, correct?" I slowly nod my head at him. He walks over to the nightstand and grabs the pills and water. He sits down next to me. Right next to me. We are so close that are legs touch. I try to scoot away. "Stay." Is all that he says, and I gulp. He hands me the pills and I pop them into my mouth. I go to grab the cup of water, but he stops me.

"I'll do it." I deadpan at him and he laughs. I roll my eyes at his antics, but can't help the small blush form on my cheeks from his cute antics. I look at Bill and part my lips for the cup. He smirks and puts the cup to my lips and tips it so water pours into my mouth. I swallow the pills and tap his arm to imply no more water. He pulls the cup back to him and I sigh.

 "Thank you Bill." He smiles at me. "It's no problem Pinetree. Now let's go."  He stands up and offers me a hand. I giggle and grab it. He helps pull me off the bed. I look down and realize I am barefoot.

"Umm. Bill?" He hums. "Where did my shoes go?" He looks down at my feet and chuckles. "When I was carrying you back to the ship, one of your boots slipped into the ocean. Do you wear bigger shoes on purpose?" I flush at his words. "N-No, I just wear hand-me downs from my great uncles." Bill frowns at my words.

 "Well that won't do. What's your shoe size?" I stand there in thought. "I-I'm not sure." I scratch my neck and look away embarrassed. My cheeks flush pink as well.

Bill grabs my chin and turns my face so I am looking at him. "Pinetree, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Okay?" I nod at him." You know, you have the same build as Will. Maybe, the two of you have the same show size." I tilt my head at him. "Who's Will?" Bill smiles. "My twin brother, of course. You will meet him in a few. Now sit down here. He gentle pushes me into the chair seated at the desk, and then walks over to the closet.

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