Future AU

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I'm back! <3 And I'll keep adding additions to the this story. :) Im changing this chapter to an AU - this will be the only one, everything else will just be regular chapters! Enjoy! :))


After I  eat dinner, I went into Bill's room and watched the sunset. 'I really do have love him.' That's all I can think about.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the ship's cabin was bathed in a warm, golden glow, setting the stage for a night of passion and desire. The air was heavy with anticipation, each breath charged with electricity as I stood by the window, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Hey, Pinetree," Bill's voice sounded from behind me, a mixture of excitement and hunger in his tone. I turned to see Bill approaching, his eyes dark with desire.

I feel my cheeks flushed as I met Bill's gaze, my own eyes shining with a mixture of shyness and longing. "Hey, Bill," I managed to reply, my voice soft and breathy.

Bill leaned against the door frame, his eyes never leaving mine. "Enjoying the view?" he purred, his voice laced with innuendo.

My heart raced, and pulse quickening with every word that left Bill's lips. "Y-Yeah, it's... it's amazing," I stammered, my fingers nervously tracing patterns on the window sill.

Bill's steps were deliberate as he closed the distance between us, his eyes burning with intensity. "You know, Pinetree," he began, his voice a seductive whisper, "I've been thinking about you all day."

My breath hitched as Bill's fingers lightly brushed my cheek, sending a jolt of sensations through me. "Bill," I gasped, my voice is a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty.

"Your minePinetree?" I look at Bill and smile. "Yes, I am yours!" Bill smiles at me and leans in.

Bill's lips descended upon mine, claiming my mouth in a passionate kiss that left us both breathless. Our lips moved together in a fervent dance, a mixture of urgency and desire fueling our movements.

Bill's hands roamed my body with a possessiveness that sends shivers down my spine, his touch igniting a fire deep within me. Our kisses grew hungrier, our bodies pressed together in a heated embrace.

My fingers tangled in Bill's hair, pulling him closer as our tongues clashed in a battle for dominance. The world around them faded into insignificance, and all that mattered was the press of Bill's lips against my own.

After some time, we got ready for bed and laid there together. I looked at Bill and smiled. He looked at me and smiled too.

Before he could say anything I kissed him which soon turned heated.

In the cabin's intimate ambiance, Bill and I were wrapped in a passionate embrace, our lips locked in a fiery kiss that set our desires aflame. His touch ignited a trail of sparks across my skin, and the fervent desire to explore this newfound intimacy surged within me.

Shifting my position, I straddled Bill's lap, meeting his gaze with a blend of innocence and determination. "Bill, I want to be close to you. I want to share this with you," I admitted, my voice a mixture of bashfulness and longing.

His fingers brushed my cheek, his touch both tender and intense. "Are you certain about this, Dipper?"

My certainty unwavering, I nodded, my heart racing as I held his gaze. "Yes, I'm sure."

A low, guttural growl rumbled from deep within him as his hands found my waist, his grip igniting a cascade of sensations along my skin. Our movements melded into a rhythm that was both intoxicating and uncharted, a dance of desire that left me breathless and hungry for more.

"Bill," I gasped, my fingers curling in his hair as I held onto him, my emotions laid bare in every touch.

His eyes darkened with desire, his hands tracing the contours of my body with a possessiveness that sent electric currents coursing through me. I responded eagerly to his touch, each stroke building the intensity of pleasure surging within me.

He reclaimed my lips, the kiss deepening into a passionate inferno. Our mouths moved in harmony, each press of our lips deepening the connection between us.

"Dipper," he whispered against my lips, his voice laden with longing.

I blushed, my gaze meeting his with a mixture of shyness and anticipation. "Bill."

His grip tightened, fingers leaving trails of warmth on my skin as he stared up at me with a mixture of hunger and command. "Call me 'sir'," he directed, his voice a low command that sent shivers cascading down my spine.

I nodded, my gaze locked onto his with a blend of innocence and submission. "Yes, sir," I complied, the single word heavy with the acknowledgment of his dominance.

He wanted me to witness his desire, to understand the depth of his want. As our exploration continued, the world around us seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of us immersed in a cocoon of shared intimacy.

"Dipper," he murmured, his voice a velvet caress against my skin. "You're my good boy."

I smiled down at him, my heart swelling with affection and a yearning to please. "Yes, sir," I whispered, the title an affirmation of my obedience.

With each touch, each kiss, and every whispered phrase, our connection deepened, the bond between us growing stronger. As pleasure surged through me, I cried out his name, my body trembling with ecstasy.

He held me close as the waves of pleasure abated, his fingers tracing soothing patterns along my skin. "You're such a good boy, Dipper," he murmured, his voice filled with adoration and satisfaction.

I smiled, my heart fluttering at his words. "I'm yours, Bill."

He pulled me in for a possessive kiss, his intensity fanning the flames of our passion. "That's right, mine," he growled, his commanding tone sending shivers down my spine, deepening the sense of belonging that anchored me to him.

As the night stretched on, we exchanged fervent words of affection and intense touches, our bodies and souls entwined in an intimate dance that transcended the physical. And as sleep began to claim us, our fingers remained intertwined, and I knew that with Bill by my side, I had found a love that was possessive, unwavering, and forever unbreakable.

"Dipper," Bill's voice murmured against my skin, his breath warm against my ear.

I stirred, my eyes fluttering open as I gazed at him in the soft, warm light of dawn. "Bill?" I mumbled, my voice heavy with sleep.

"You belong to me, Dipper," he whispered, his tone a mixture of possessiveness and tenderness.

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I nuzzled closer to him, feeling a sense of contentment settle over me. "I do," I agreed, my heart swelling with a love that was as deep as it was boundless.

Bill's arms tightened around me, drawing me closer until our bodies were pressed together, a seamless melding of two souls entwined in the promise of forever. And as the sun's gentle rays painted the cabin in a soft, golden glow, I closed my eyes, basking in the warmth of his embrace and the knowledge that in each other's arms, we had found a love that was unbreakable, unwavering, and eternal.

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