Chapter 8

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As the man's chilling words echoed through the room, Will sneers beside me, his expression one of anger and fear "No, way he found me that fast," he mutters to himself, his voice barely audible. 

The man's gaze lingered on Will for a moment longer before he spoke again, his voice low and menacing. "Will," the man spat, his voice dripping with disdain as he locked eyes with Will, "you hurt me. You left me shattered, and now you have the nerve to show your face again?"

Will tensed at the venom in the man's words, his face full of confusion. "I don't know what you're talking about," he says with more confidence. 

There we go Will! Don't let that man bother you!

The man's lips curled into a cruel smile, his eyes full of fury. "Oh, spare me your lies," he growled, taking a menacing step toward him. "You think you can just deny what we had?" I watch as Will's features hardened as he met the man's gaze. "We were never together," he retorted, his voice firm despite the tremor in his hands. 

A shiver ran down my spine at Will's anger. 'I hope I am never on Will's bad side. I couldn't help but look to Bill with concern, knowing that his anger was simmering just beneath the surface. His eyes flashed red, a telltale sign of the rage he is holding in. I gulp.

Bill wasted no time in standing up, his voice dripping with venom as he addressed the man. "Piss off," he growled, his tone leaving no room for negotiation.

The man, with long brown hair and a regal bearing, wore a fancy red coat adorned with golden epaulets. Despite the anger emanating from Bill, even I couldn't deny that the man was handsome, with chiseled features and a commanding presence, but his looks don't even compare to Bills. He's got nothing on Bill. I nod to myself.

But the man paid no heed to Bill's warning, stepping closer to Will with a scary gleam in his eyes. Before Bill can cut him off, and before I could stop myself, a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins, and I found myself standing up shakily, my voice trembling but determined. "Leave him alone," I said, my words echoing through the room.

As I stood protectively in front of Will, he grabbed my arm, his grip tight with concern. I shot him a reassuring glance before turning my attention back to the man.

For a moment, the man's gaze softened, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he said, his voice laced with  flirtation - ew-  as he looked me up and down. "A brave little hero come to save the day."

I felt a chill run down my spine at the man's words, his tone dripping with insincerity. My whole body shook uncontrollably, and I struggled to find my voice, stammering out my words in a jumbled mess.

With a knowing smirk, the man turned his attention back to Bill, who was now attempting to physically separate him from me. But the man  grabbed a badge hanging on his jacket, and sudden blue glow enveloped the restaurant, freezing everyone in place. 

What the hell?!

I tried to move, to reach out and help Bill, but my body refused to obey. All I could do was watch in horror as the man turned to me and stepped closer, cupping my face in his hands with a sickeningly sweet smile. 

"My, my, you are a feisty one," he purred, his voice dripping with false charm. "I must say, you have quite the fire in those eyes of yours."

I clenched my jaw, refusing to let his taunts unnerve me. "What do you want?" I shot back, my voice shaky but defiant. I will not let him mess with my friends.

Meanwhile, Bill seethed with anger, his fists clenched at his sides as he glared daggers at the man who dared to threaten us. "You lay one finger on him, and you're dead. I will tear you limb from limb," he growled, his voice low and menacing.

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