Chapter 34

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Myra followed Anikke through the village streets and watched as the Stargazer casted runes every few hundred feet.

"Remind me what exactly you're doing?" Myra asked curiously, watching the way that Anikke weaved the spells like she had done so a thousand times. Quick flicks of her wrist creating symbols that faded slowly like they weren't really there.

"Creating an area where one cannot scry into." Anikke answered. "A... A magical dead zone."

"Why? Just to make sure Zia can't see into the village?" Myra raised a curious eyebrow as she watched several Hunters walk around with heavy crossbows. The people of the village went about their daily lives with smiles, clearly trying to pretend this wasn't going to become an actual fight.

"Exactly. For some reason Zia is working with Agora. I don't know why."

"It's because of me." Myra noted quickly, getting Anikke to turn and look at her curiously. "You don't have to pretend like you don't know. Zia absolutely hates me and my mother. She hates that Rose let us into the castle and acts like we're her new pride and joy. Zia is terrified of what this means and is certainly against us because of it."

"My mother is a conceited bitch, but she's not clever enough to come up with a plan like this on her own. The problem likely lies in Agora." Anikke noted. "As evil as he is, he has a silver tongue."

"You think he convinced her to betray us?"

"Agora weaves his words into people, picking at their weaknesses and feeding into their fears. If I was trying to get Zia to betray Rose, I would tell her exactly what she wanted to hear. That Rose is not thinking clearly, and that she is going to doom the world by ignoring her warnings." Anikke turned back to what she was doing and continued to create her ruins and sigils as they walked. "As far as Zia will know, it's her idea to ally with Agora, and it's her warning that Rose is ignoring."

"Good to know you think about manipulating your mother." Myra chuckled dryly, getting Anikke to grin.

"Of course. I've had to do it for the last few thousand years."

"Wait, what?"

"Just because I've been away, doesn't mean I haven't been paying attention. I gave advice to my siblings whenever they asked and made sure they knew what to do when mother dearest tried to take advantage."

"It's nice of you to look out for your siblings." Myra smiled. "I did think you looked really happy with them at that ball."

"They mean the absolute world to me." Anikke answered. "And the fact that they don't follow her like lost puppies only makes me love them even more. They've always stood up for themselves and left rather than allow her to control them."

"It blows my mind that even after all of her kids abandoned her, she still thinks she's in the right." Myra sighed.

"Someone once told me that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting something to change." Anikke chuckled. "I don't know how true it is, but the idea is amusing. My mother is completely mad with the idea that she can control something that she truly can't, and Agora is mad thinking that he can do the same but from a more violent stance."

"The idea that my aunt and uncle are both nuts is an interesting thought."

"They're both trying to take as much control as possible, and use their own children to achieve their goals. It's a sad cycle."

"Didn't Rose once have the same mindset? With Avalon and Avalar?"

"Yep. The difference is once her kids showed that they didn't care for it, Rose refused to continue on the same path, and instead changed her own mindset. Agora and Zia are completely incapable of seeing the errors of their ways, and I honestly think it's going to get them killed."

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