Chapter 1

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Alison watched Kira struggle to stay awake in the library. She couldn't stop the smile on her face as Kira attempted to read through another page of some dusty old tome in a language Alison didn't know.

"We can call it a day you know?" Alison smiled softly. Kira raised her head a bit, her tired silver eyes looking almost glassy in the candle light. She blinked a few times before smiling softly at the wolf.

"I'm okay." The vampire answered. "I can stay up a bit later."

"You really don't change do you?" Alison chuckled.

"I'm not nocturnal anymore, so that counts for something doesn't it?" Kira scoffed. "Really, I can stay up."

"Well I'm tired, so we can go to bed. Myra will be awake at first light, so we shouldn't keep her waiting." Alison explained, reaching over to cup Kira's cheek and run her thumb under Kira's tired eye.

Kira answered with a smile and a small nod. "Okay. We can go to bed then."

"Mommy?" Came a tiny voice from behind them. Alison and Kira looked over to see Myra standing in a long shirt and bare feet, staring at their parents with a small stuffed wolf hugged closely to her chest. "Mère?"

"We're here petite flamme." Kira smiled, as she turned and opened her arms towards the small child. Myra made her way over and climbed into Kira's lap. "What's wrong? Why are you awake at this hour?"

"I had a bad dream." Myra answered, wrapping her arms around Kira's neck and leaning into her arms. "I got scared and couldn't fall back to sleep. I promise I tried."

"Never apologize for a bad dream." Alison smiled, leaning forward to brush her nose against Myra's cheek playfully. "You can stay with us if you need to. We were just getting ready to go to bed ourselves."

"Okay." Myra nodded a bit. "I can wait a little bit... What are you reading about?"

"We're looking at old books about the past. Trying to figure out who made the prophecy." Alison explained.

"Are you trying to figure out if it's true?" Myra asked.

"Alison and I know it could never be true petite flamme, but my older brother and sister are scared of you. They think you could be the child that destroys everything they hold dear, but I think you're going to change everything for the better. But they don't want anything to change."

"They're stuck in the old ways." Alison agreed. "But you don't have to worry about a thing."

"Is that why I can't leave the castle grounds alone?" Myra questioned.

"Once you're older and strong enough to defend yourself we have no problem with you leaving. But at the moment we're trying to make sure that Zia and Agora won't be able to hurt you." Alison explained.

"And I hope you realize how grateful we are that you're so understanding." Kira nodded.

Myra nodded a bit. "Can we go to bed?"

Kira picked her up as she stood, holding the child to her chest. "Of course. Let's go climb into our nice warm bed."

"I can stay with you tonight?"

"Of course you can." Alison nodded. "You never have to ask, you're always welcome."

Kira and Alison made their way out of the library with Alison waving her hand towards the books causing them to fly back onto the shelves and organize themselves. They left the library and headed down the large hallways. Alison pushed opened her bedroom door and held it opened for Kira to walk in behind her. She set her daughter on the bed before turning to change into her own pajamas with Alison doing the same.

Daybreaker (Lesbian Story, Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now