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The next day I woke up at 5:30 to get ready. I'm not a morning person, I never will be. I got dressed ate a spoonful of peanut butter and then headed out to the training yard.

"How nice of you to be a whole minute early Chaos" Lucy sassed.

" you're lucky I'm even here right now, I could be sleeping hell even be taking a shower" I sassed back.

Out of the corner of my eye I see something large coming towards me. My first instinct was to move out of the way. Just barely did Ghost miss. I quickly got into a fighting stance.

" you know you're supposed to call out who you're fighting before fighting them right. What if Lucy though you we fighting her and she beat you're ass" I snapped at Ghost though he didn't respond just started to throw punches. I was dodging the best I ever did.

I have a feeling that if whatever he hits is gonna break.

"Alright my turn to take some swings don't ya think ghosty" I stated then started punching him. I got in 2 decent hits before he started to block. We went back and forth, both of us got thrown or pushed back multiple times.

Eventually I started to get tired so I decided to try the thigh head lock I did on Sizzle. It worked until ghost just stood up and threw himself onto his back where I was

"SHIT" was the only word that left my mouth before I started coughing and laughing. I finally released ghost after I was done coughing but I just payed on the floor trying to get my breathing under control.

"Alright off the ground you look like you had an exciting night with how you look right now" Eagle chuckled.

"Wouldn't know not many are good at it" I joked back. Behind Eagle, Ghost was just staring at you not glaring, which is new.

"Good job ghost you took down our tyrant" Bean cackled as he fell to the ground.

"Oh shut up pansy. You only say that cause you never touch in a fight" you yelled at him marching over to John Cena his ass.

Soap appeared next to me and whispered "Ghost respects you now just so you know" then he jogged over to Ghost who was still staring.

" wait soap you and ghost could've been soap and suds!" I laughed out. I saw soap start to laugh and nudge Ghost you just shoved him away.
Time skip the next day

Today we head to Russia but we can only bring a certain amount of things because we aren't going to have luxury in Russia. I packed warm clothes because it's freezing there also some knives and my metal baseball bat.

After I was done packing I went to go move my truck into the vehicle bay. Then I ran into Gaz who looked lost.

"Hey Gaz whatcha lookin for?" I asked

"Actually you, captain and Ghost were asking for you" he replied seemingly relieved. I nodded then headed towards the main building assuming that's where they were.  When I got there I saw everyone except the 2 that wanted to see me. I asked where the 2 were and they said aircraft area. I went there and saw the 2 looking at the minimal things we could bring.

"What did y'all need me for" I asked

"I didn't need you" Price said as he looked at Ghost. About a second later Price excused himself and promptly left.

"So what did ya need ghosty" I questioned him.

"All I ask is that your team doesn't betray us. We've been betrayed in the past and almost cost us our lives" he spoke slowly.

"I get what you mean we've been betrayed too that how we lost our lieutenant, Davis, he was in my recruitment group. He was killed by this Hitler wannabe. So as long as you don't betray us we won't betray you, got it ghost man" I said turning to him smiling.

"Sure that works" he spoke back picking up some equipment to put in the helicopter.

"Alright, oh also we should have dogs arriving soon to come with" I said a little too excitedly.
Well of course I was excited my baby Lexa will be coming with me.

"Ok I'll be there to see the mutts in a minute" he replied.

"CHAOS, Lexa is here" I heard Cracker yell. I turned and started running. Once I got to the main building the person handling Lexa let her go and she ran straight to me and starting whining/barking. I gave her all my love till I heard someone walking up behind me. I assumed it was ghost and confirmed as he walked right by me to a random dog.

"Riley come here" the masked man said

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