You gotta go, you gotta go

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Ghost POV

Wait she wanted me to carry her. I could've carried her, she probably doesn't weigh much I could carry her and Lexa. Wait why do I care this much. I fought with myself inside my head. Until I felt someone nudge me. Turns out to be Soap wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Oh do we have anything to eat tonight or do we need to catch something" Chaos asked as she stood up and stretched as she was facing me. I completely forgot to answer as I watched her arms go up and stuck out her breast to stretch her back.

"No, what were you thinking? Deer probably the best bet" Soap responded for me bringing me out of my trance. I shook my head fucking Soap making me think I have a crush on her. I can't afford to have a crush.

I watched as she got up and left with her gun and Lexa. I watch Riley exit then come straight back in after I heard Chaos tell her to go back to me. Riley listened as she sat right next to me.

"Damn even Riley likes her. It took her a year to even get near me" Soap comments.

"Yeah earlier Riley was laying in between her legs" I added on. I felt Soaps gaze on me as he gave me the you like her look yet again. I rolled my eyes and went to go start a fire to produce some warmth

Time skip and Your POV

I walked back with a decent size buck dragging from the rope around it feet. Lexa occasionally stopped to lick the drops of blood coming from it.

I got back and dropped the rope. I saw most of the guys out surrounding a fire.

"Bean come skin this damn thing, I need to clean Lexas face she looks mean with all that blood on her" I shouted. Bean grabbed his favorite knife and started to skin it while I went next to the fire and grabbed a bit of snow to hopefully get the blood of Lexa.

"How'd she get that much blood on her?" Ghost asked.

"She found a rabbit after I killed the deer. I let her chase it but when I called her to come back she had a bloody mouth. Nothing hurt or broken. So I'm assuming she killed and ate it but I don't know" I answered truthfully. "And you miss thing you could've gotten rabies. Oh you're lucky you're my dog" I scolded Lexa while hugging her.

"Y/n you know that dog can do no wrong. You wouldn't believe it if she did" Cracker mentions.

"We'll duh she's a perfect little baby" I was interrupted by Riley whining and also sitting in my lap. "Oh aren't you a jealous little thing" I spoke to Riley.

"Damn y/n stole your dog now you got no bitches" Gaz laughs as he walks out of the house.

"What can I say bitches love me" I joked back. Eventually Bean was done skinning the deer and started to cook it. While if was cooking Lexa left me to go follow Ghost as he went back inside.

"No Lexa come back you were helping keep me warm, fuckin fur ball" I shouted as Riley took up more of my lap. "We'll at least one dog likes me still" I spoke to Riley.

Bean pulled parts of the deer off the fire and took it inside. So naturally everyone went inside to eat and settle down for the night. However I had to piss and I hadn't seen a bathroom is this damn house.

"Hey where's the bathroom, I gotta piss?" I asked everyone. Most of them started laughing "what is there no bathroom?" I asked again this time Soap answered.

"Yeah you gotta go outside the toilet in here is missing" he tried not to laugh

"You gotta be shitting me, god dammit I should've been born with a dick my life would be a whole lot easier" I complained as I got up. "I'll be back I guess, oh no Lexa stay" with that I went around the back of the house and squat to take a piss.

I went back in the house to find Ghosts bed and bag moved closer to me and Soap moved his stuff to the other side of Ghost. Also Ghost was sat on his bed with Lexa and Riley half way in his lap.

I grabbed some comfy clothes from my bag and went to change in another room where I could close the door. I went to remove my shirt only to I was still wearing Ghosts jacket. Everyone had seen me wearing it for most of the evening. I felt my face heat up and I hurriedly changed but decided to put the jacket back on. I'll give it back tomorrow for tonight it'll help keep me warm.

"Hey y/n you almost done" I heard Soap whisper through the door.

"Yeah give me a sec just grabbing my extra shit what's up" I asked him.

"Hurry up you're gonna miss it" he responded. I opened the door and Soap grabbed my wrist and pulled me to a hallway to peak into the next room. I looked and saw Ghost shirtless and unbuckling his belt to take off his pants. My face heated up yet again as I ducked behind the wall. Every time I blink I see him shirtless

"God damn" I whisper to myself forgetting Soap was next to me.

"Hey Ghost can you come here real quick" I looked up to see Soap calling Ghost over. Before I could run away Ghost turned the corner and saw me sitting against the wall blushing.

"What did you need?" ghost asked Soap.

"Just wanted you to know y/n looks like she has a fever might wanna check it out" Soap says being far to obvious.

"She looks red, hey are you feeling ok" Ghost squats down to ask. That's when I notice he was still shirtless.

"Yep You're fine- shit I mean I'm fine" I rushed out. I stood up and walked into the room he was just in, sat on my bed hugged Lexa wanting to disappear

I'm a whole grown ass women but a single shirtless man makes me blush like a 16 year old girl.

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