Morning after

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I woke up in Simons arms. I turned around to face his chest and saw that he wasn't wearing his mask. I took that time to admire his face some more. Even in his sleep he scowls. I giggled and kissed his nose which made him smile just a bit. I wrapped my arms tighter around him as he did the same with me.  I felt his breathing change.

"Good morning sweet girl" Simon mumbled placing a kiss on my forehead. He even pulled me to lay down on top of him. It didn't really work out cause one of the dogs were between our legs. I giggled at his defeated face. He let me go so I could lay back down but he put his head on my boobs face down.

"What are you doing Simon?" I asked him as I ran my fingers through his hair. He mumbled something but I couldn't hear. So I grabbed a clump of his hair to pull his head up. "Nuh uh you need to use words" I teased him. He rolled his eyes.

"They're soft. Who wouldn't want a face full of boobs" Simon said as if it was obvious. I laughed and let go of his hair. To which he released a breath he'd been holding.

Eventually we decided to get up and let the dogs out. I was still wearing one of Simons shirts and a pair of his boxers that fit me like shorts. It was about 6:30 am so we were the only ones awake right now. After the dogs were fed Simon and I sat on the couch watching a random documentary. It was now about 8 when they heard a door open then slam shut. Simon and I looked towards the entryway and saw Bean standing there with arms crossed.

"Y/n L/n you better explain what I heard last night, those hickies and your clothing right now!" Bean practically yelled.

"Listen Bean I'm a grown up I can do whatever I want" I tell him.

"Not when I can hear. We have had rooms next to each other for years and I've never heard that kind of shit ever" he went on.

"Wait we weren't in my room last night" I told him confused.

"So you're telling me that he preformed so good that you were that fucking loud halfway across the building!!" He added on.

"I didn't think I was that lo-" I stopped when I heard another door open. Bean looks down the hallway and his face pales.

"I'm so sorry y/n I guess it wasn't you" Bean apologized.

"Huh" was all I got out before I saw Lucy and Price enter the common area. Prices room is right next to Beans. I started laughing way to hard at the realization.

"What's so funny" Lucy asked looking confused. I saw her eyes travel my neck and stop at the hickies. She subconsciously reaches for hers as well. "No way" she whispered. She walked up to me and drug me away by my wrist towards the meeting room.

"So I wasn't the only one who got lucky last night" Lucy said smiling.

"No you're not but apparently I'm quieter than you. Bean heard you and Price last night and thought it was me" I tell her. Her face lit up red.

"Enough about me, how was it?" She asked me.

"Oh dude the quiet ones are where it's at. He did everything so impossibly right. Oh oh and he's nine inches!" I almost yelled out at the end.

"HOLY SHIT!" She yelled surprised. I laughed out then I heard the door slam open.

"Nine fucking inches. Ain't no way you're lying" Bean said equally surprised as Lucy.

"What the fuck dude either get in or leave" I yelled him. He came in and closed the door behind him before taking a seat. "Oh also he carried me from the couch to his bed like I weighed nothing" I finished off.

"Damn so where is he ranked?" Lucy asked.

"I think he might be in first cause god damn he almost made me cum in a minute with just his tongue. I don't know how I lasted as long as I did" I told her. Bean, Lucy and I talked for about 30 more minutes before going back to the common area. I looked for Simon but he wasn't in there anymore. I went to check his room so I knocked on his door but no answer. I walked around for a while looking for him but I couldn't find him. I did find Lexa and Riley in my room sleeping. I eventually gave up and laid down on my bed with the dogs. We didn't have any missions for the next week so all we did was sit around.

It's been about 2 hours of laying around. I might as well train since I have nothing to do. I changed out of Simons clothes and put on loose sweats and a tank top with a sports bra. I also put my hair up out of my face then headed down to the training yard. I saw Bean and decided to spar with him. We sparred for a little bit until I decided I've had enough and quickly ended it with a swift kick to his gut which put him on his back for a minute. I sat on the ground next to him just to make sure he was alright. I looked up towards the sky and started laughing for some reason.

"Why are you crying?" Bean asked looking at me confused. I tried to stop laughing but it only turned into sobs for some reason.

"I don't know actually" I answered him trying to wipe my eyes. "I've actually had a great start to my day and got to beat someone up. I guess I'm just emotionally confused" I guessed shrugging my shoulders. I still didn't get up though or even look away from the sky. In the distance I could here stomping coming towards us but I still didn't tear my attention away from the sky. For some reason I couldn't look away.

"What did you do?" I heard Simon ask I'm assuming Bean.

"I don't know she won the fight then sat, started laughing that soon turned to sobbing" bean explained. I heard Simon scoff then he sat down next to me.

"What happened sweet girl?" Simon asked. I shrugged.

"I honestly don't know. I'm genuinely happy so I guess my body is just confused and doesn't know what to do". I truthfully told him. I felt him nod and pull me closer to his chest. "Oh also where'd you go earlier I tried looking for you but I couldn't find you so I ended up taking a nap with the dogs" I asked him.

"I went into town for some supplies that I needed" he stated simply. By now Bean had left. Noticing that bean had left I face Simon and pull his mask up to his nose and kiss him. He pulls me closer to deepen the kiss. I slowly pull away feeling as though my mind had blank of every thought but him.

"Ah so that's what I needed" I said that out loud shit.

"You needed a kiss?" Simon asked. I just nodded not wanting to expose myself too much. "What did it help with" he said smugly. This man's voice is a powerful weapon.

"It just made everything poof from my head if that makes sense" I try to explain. I know I said I wasn't gonna put myself but his voice makes me do anything he'd ask.

"Ah ok... need another one?" He asked with a small smirk planted on his still exposed lips. How could I ever say no to that.

"I would love another one" I whispered leaning towards his lips. As they're about to touch Cracker comes out of no where.

"Ew get out of the training yard with that shit"

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